If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

How do you not feel robbed?

Where are the children of the earth? Where are the caretakers? There is so much happening in this world right now, so much destruction for want and greed, to meet theoretical goals and standards; but it doesn't have to be this way.

There has been more damage done to the Earth by man in the past 100 years than has been done in the past 10,000. Why is this continuing?

People seem to be under the very misguided impression that we are meant to live this way. Further, because of the luxuries of material gains, our society predominantly chooses to perpetuate this way of life.

Our world is split. There is a world that is created by man--a dream world that does not fit with the natural way. Cars, houses, televisions, computers, cell-phones, and much more are creations of the human mind. These things are dreams brought to existence. But there is a drastic price to pay for these things.
The real world consists of all things of nature. The real world is created with no influence of man. The real world exists long before and potentially long after we do. But the real world suffers for our desires, which separate us from the reality of nature.
In nature, all things prosper or fail in a way that only nature determines. By making our impact for our own gains, we have eliminated species, devastated forests and waters, and continue to parasitize the planet, in spite of our grandchildren's' welfare. We are a "live now for ourselves," society instead of a "live now for the future," one.
But another misgiving is that our technology is progression. It is treated as though it were a positive thing. As long as anything in nature suffers at the hands of our progression, then our function is not viable. We inhabit this planet in an abundance that throws biomass and equilibrium out of kilter. We spread rapidly and suck the life from the earth. We build concrete cities and paved roads, and we strip the immune system of the planet by poisoning, timber-harvesting, and spreading our "tumorous" structures across the lands. How can we not see what a cancer we are? Ironic that cancer is one of our greatest nemesis to fight.

Not long ago, people lived on this planet with a very intimate connection with the lands and flora and fauna. They depended upon nature, and only by taking care of nature did they ensure their survival.

In the real world of nature, there can be no segregations, there can be no bias, no good, no evil. These are creations of man. Nature is chaos and logic, functioning together in a check-and-balance of evolution and altruism. Nature is unconditional love. There is no definition, no ultimatum, no condition to interpretations.

Total Prosperity is about the well-being of all things--even humans. We do not have to live in this dream world. We have the birthright of living close to nature, as did the tribal societies. People say that it is not possible that we have the fortitude to give up our material possessions and greed and go back to living close to the earth. But we do have that option. It was done for thousands of years, and only those who despise nature, despise the Creator, would spit in the face of nature and choose to ignore our responsibility as caretakers.
It used to be every day that humans sat by the fire and worked on skills and crafts for survival. It was every day that men fished and hunted properly, and played in the waters and snows. It was life. Now, many of us call it vacation. We work for machines and earn money that is taken away from us because we are told, "it's how it's supposed to be." But it's not.

We are taught that the lands that were stolen and acquired by rape, thievery, enslavement, and coercion are to be owned. Now only the rich have the best and the most lands, but they are the furthest removed from our roots. The land can be owned no more than any life can be owned.

We work for our society because we are forced to. Children of the earth cannot find refuge in nature any longer because it is "owned." So we work for things to satisfy the denial with which we are nurtured, and our purpose becomes to study, to work, to retire, to die. We have the right to live as freely as any animal. Why do we let ourselves be imprisoned by cageless walls? Because we fear the free lives that the wild things have.

A necktie is a leash when you go into the world, but then it becomes your noose.

Children of the earth who speak out against this way of things that destroys nature, but speaking is ineffective. The ways of society cannot be argued by society's rules and laws. Laws are made for the weak, for the ones who cannot survive in nature by nature's ways. Only natural law is real; it is the end-all be-all of everything. We are arrogant to believe we can override and veto this truth.

Nature is a universal truth. It cannot be denied, and all things created are done so by the Creator, whether it is God, Yaweh, Quantum Physics, The Great Spirit, Gaia . . . the names are not important. The fact that we destroy the things that the Creator has made, it is slapping the Creator in the face, and we do ourselves and our grandchildren a grave injustice.

We cater to our weaknesses and provide crutches for our genetic faults. We breed our weaknesses into our species and keep bolstering our deficiencies because we fear death. It is our way; it is our learning. Fearing death means we try to overcome and ignore its presence. We stave-off the inevitable to the harm of natural things.

We fear being alone and lonely, because we have lost touch with our natural place. We define ourselves by our friends, family, wealth, stature, etc. But being lonely is about not knowing who we really are. No matter how many people surround you and how many drinks or drugs you take, no matter how loud you turn up the television or stereo, loneliness is still there, only camouflaged.

There are so many self-help and self-discovery books and lessons available, but they all tend to fall short of the important next step in the process of finding your true self. In order to find yourself, you need to lose yourself. You need to give yourself over to what's real. What's real is Nature. If you cannot become part of nature, you will never find your true definition, and your spirit suffers. Therefore, we all suffer. You cannot see this anymore because there are too many distractions. You will feel it as you age, and many elders do now. Those of us who are close to death realize that there is something important missing. There are regrets for how quickly life went by and for how much of it was spent being part of a machine and living in a rut, a false world of the flesh rather than enjoying the essence of living. There are regrets for leaving the grandchildren with not only a horrific mess to clean-up, but still the battle of making it all stop.

The Creator has given us this amazing gift of free will. We have the option to be caretakers, or to be parasites. Yes, parasites are natural, but they do not eliminate hundreds of species for their own material gains. We do. As long as harm comes to nature, all of this should stop immediately. It is not agreed by all in this world that the ways of man are correct and should continue anymore. We used to be respectful and nurturing of nature. Now we are corrupt and infantile in our greed.

Where are the children of the earth? Individually, we are unheard, brushed away like a hair on the shoulder. Together, we can make a difference.

How can you not feel robbed?

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