If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Friday, August 08, 2008

"Money" revisited

Money equals life. It equals the food we can eat. It equals the space we are allowed to occupy. It equals the clothing we wear. It equals the comforts of homes.

Even if you plant a garden, you must have a place to do so, which costs money, and you must have access to water, seeds, and even tools and equipment, such as a plow and fencing, in order to properly maintain the plot and make the most efficient and cost-effective return for your efforts. But no matter what, living, in modern society, costs money. There is no true freedom anymore, because society has a grip on all we need to survive, and in order to obtain those essentials, we must be part of a system of economics.

Money equals happiness. Money buys nice things, good clothing, entertainment, healthier foods, more efficient vehicles and more land. Money is also equal to the obtainable types of depravity in modern society in all forms of contraband. Money equals generosity in the form of donations to a charity, while it also measures sycophantic behavior in the amount given to celebrities, whether they are actors, singers, or sports stars.

We will readily spend billions of dollars on politics, religions, wars and entertainment--as well as other depravities—yet we still have masses of poverty-stricken families in the economic society. Even destitute people will find ways to come up with money to support their addictions and cravings.

Money equals freedom; it is restitution for some crimes committed, and it is a cost of bail, as well as the potential for legal defense in the attorneys we can purchase.

Money is the god of our society, for it rules all life, health, and happiness in the majority of our culture and species.

There are few who understand that true happiness is not found in the provisions of money, but realistically, these people must know that not partaking in the economic system means having no access to the necessities of survival. Having more money means having a better life.

We give money readily to the celebrities, and that means they deserve a better life than we do if we are not celebrities. People who sing songs, throw balls, and play-act are better than we are. People born into affluent families are better than the rest of us, and they deserve a better existence than we do. Most of our society says that this is not true, but we know that it really is, otherwise we would have to face the fact that we really do worship materialism, instant gratification, and depravity.

Those with more money are allowed to own more land. They have no idea of how to be Caretakers for the land, but those of us who do know are typically not interested in contributing to the system of economics. We know that money corrupts, and it supports materialism and destruction.

The modern system of economics supports technology, which is the foundation of artificial existence. Artificial things—things made by humans and that are not found in the natural world—make up the fantasy world in which most humans exist. In order to maintain this dream-world illusion, money must move throughout the system. By supporting this paradigm, we support the overpopulation of humans (which is a provable fact that propagandist, disinformationists in denial will try to justify, but can easily be disproved), the over-extraction of natural resources, the spreading of diseases to all species worldwide, the pollution of the air and waters, the destruction of established forest ecosystems, and so forth. It is a fact that participating in the economic system supports destruction of nature and life.

Money only equals life in the artificial world.

Money also equals a new kind of economic Darwinism or Natural Selection called Eugenics. Eugenics means that in spite of one’s inferior genetic traits, such as lack of fur, poor eyesight or hearing, lack of the proper, biological “tools” to survive and propagate in the natural world, one can still not only survive, but thrive in the artificial world. In fact, the artificial world bolsters genetic deficiencies and anomalies. No matter what the physical condition of a being, if that being gains money by being corrupt, depraved, throwing a ball, or having a nice voice, or being conditionally “attractive,” that being is entitled by economic status to have a better existence than anyone with less money. That being is entitled by the standards of the artificial world to pay less to live, yet to leave a larger impact of damage upon the environment that we all need to survive. And by contributing to this system, no matter what one’s income status is, we support eugenics.

Eugenics means that if I have more money, I get privileges that even your sick child does not get. The rich have health insurance or at least enough money to pay out-of-pocket. The wealthy have better schools. And since money equals life, power, happiness, and health, if I have more to spend, then I can buy more favor than other people can. It means I get preferential treatment. It means that I get organic food and solar power and more land than you do, in spite of your knowledge, spirit, or genetic superiority. If I live in a poor community, then even the foods and resources available to me are going to be limited and governed by money. Just by my place in society, I may have access only to inferior necessities than others do, who have more money to live in more prosperous areas. I always thought that a body of water, such as a lake, would be accessible by natural right to anyone for swimming and fishing. However, humans “purchase” and “own” lakeshore property, and they have “no trespassing” signs and boundaries that prohibit others from accessing the majority of these bodies of water save for miniscule public landings. Having more money means one can afford to be in denial, and one can afford to think only of one’s own welfare because they have tricked the rest of us into giving them more than we have.

We are not allowed to not participate in this system. We must pay for all of our needs. That means that if we want to live, we must pay money to live. That is an abomination. That means that our people have determined that money is god, and that this idol rules over all inherent freedom and rights. I cannot leave this system because it is now impossible to survive anywhere without being charged for a place where the land is viable enough to live freely, and where there are no ill-effects of the detrimental impacts of our sick society. Even now our society is actually developing new ways to alter the amount of sunlight to hit the Earth, as well as to change weather patterns.

What if some of us do not wish to contribute to this system? What if we do not want any part of living in the artificial world of greed and idolatry? What if we do not wish to have the weather tampered, or the waters polluted, or the land paved? Where do WE go while the rest of the humans destroy this place? I ask again: To whom do we take our grievance if the highest authority is the source of the destruction and depravity?

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