If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Sunday, February 08, 2009

Masculine and Feminine Energies (stream of thought)

In the natural world the feminine is the life-bringer--not the life-maker, as that is the duty of the Great Spirit. The female gives form to life, gives it a place to "cook" with the ingredients supplied by the male. But it would make more sense, especially following the feminine role of Earth as the life-bearing, life-sustaining "mother", that the female of the species, at the very beginning, would have been created before the male. It's as if the female was meant to be the foundation, the perpetuator of life, while the male was almost an afterthought, little more than a necessary tool in order to facilitate the female's accomplishing her purpose.

The male is the protector. The role of the male is to defend the female, protect the life-bearer, preserve her safety and place, and to fight for position against other males in order to perpetuate the strongest bloodline. The male supplies the necessary ingredients, but then his role is to stand guard while the female builds his children.

I don't see how a male can rule a female. It is absurd. She is possessed as long as she wishes to be possessed by him, and he is possessed by her as long as he wishes to be possessed, but neither rules the other. They are equals with different, vital roles. The average human male thinks about or imagines erotic situations or sensations frequently (some say every six seconds, but that does not account for the duration of the actual thought, fantasy, or sensation that falls around the six-second intermissions). Men are motivated, primarily, by their genitals. Seriously. Our testosterone is created there, and we are hormonally driven to do "manly" things by that influence. We are driven to be combative, to establish territory, dominance, and to even to gather food. But we are wholly broad-sided by the female. The female is our goal, our ambition. The female makes us lose mental function, to sweat, drool, palpitate, and to follow the unyielding, otherwise insatiable drive of our genitals. In the natural world, the woman has unbelievable power. In the natural world, the man has extraordinary strength and senses, but he is no match for his own hormones when a woman catches his fancy. Men are suckers for girls.

It makes sense that the Earth is a feminine entity as a mother, as a provider of comfort and sustenance to all of the children. Women have a crucial role that is unlike anything a man can do. The role of the female is to bring forth life. What does it say about a society, in which females are pushed and nurtured into taking over otherwise masculine roles? How can a society ruled by left-brained testosterone expect to be anything but violent, destructive, and wholly unproductive? When females forfeit their natural roles to be life-bearers, then how can it not be obvious that we are very very wrong?

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