If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Greed and Stability

Having children implies a necessity for stability, as this is what provides a sense of security and place for them. We all need to feel the security of a solid foundation. A sense of rooted place, especially when surrounded by family and friends, is a bolster to the wellness of spirit. However, as humans believe that owning land--as if the Earth were a commodity--is possible or even reasonable, it is increasingly difficult to obtain the natural lifestyle that was standard only a few hundred years ago.
As we feed our desires and greed with morsels of land and the fast food of rapidly-depleting natural resources, we literally sacrifice the welfare and sustainability of the future generations. We’re a society of living in the now by taking from the future. Obviously, this is unwise. This isn’t mere tree-hugging propaganda; it is proven fact.
As this destructive course is the case, my family and many others are forced to live in impoverished conditions that make life utterly miserable.
With winter approaching, and with the imminent governmental threat against taking-up primitive residency in the proximal wilderness areas--not to mention the audacity of the system’s convoluted logic of taking away my children if I bring them into the real world to exist rather than putting them through the integration process of the fabricated world--the ability to provide my family with the stability they would need in the natural world would be seriously compromised at best. Not only would we need [ideally unpolluted and uncompromised] natural resources such as water and plants, as well as game and wood and space, but we would also need the ability to implement practices that would create a mutualism between us and the environment. The government will not allow this. Somehow, our birthright has become prohibited. Again, at best, I could see setting-up a home-camp, then being routinely bumped out by “authorities” for camping on “public land.” I could foresee being fined or arrested for having fires, as well as for hunting and fishing without a license and with primitive methods. In other words, trying to follow our beliefs and living naturally is illegal, and the government would see it fit to expose my family to absurd amounts of trauma in order to impress the importance of conforming to the existence and subjective ideals of the artificial world.
After we were evicted from our home—because I actually tried, folks; I sacrificed my beliefs for a long time in order to try to “fit in” and maintain peace—we literally had nowhere to go. In spite of letters I wrote to everyone from the Governor to public radio, there was no response whatsoever to this situation, which many people face, and we have been falling conveniently through the eugenic cracks of society. Now we five humans and several pets, which make-up our family, are tucked away in a tiny box amongst tumor-like structures that are filled with disconnected inhabitants. The only signs of real life are disjointed, residual freckles of trees and plants that are used as catch-alls, like back-street alleys, for old tires, shoes, bottles, and myriad rubbish items.
Our sleeping space is little more than a compartment that further files natural beings into unnatural existence. Being here without being surrounded by the natural world, without having the space to live and breathe, subject to the practices and disturbances of others who live willingly in the fabricated world, creates a palpable sense of oppressive stress and paranoia. There is a big difference between living as an outcast in a subjective society, versus living in a communal or tribal setting of extended family. My children suffer this stress greatly, and being surrounded by this emptiness and death means seeking distractions in television or other artificial media. Even going outside to play bears negligible exposure to the natural world as nature is constantly being biologically infected and surgically altered with facelifts and implants that retain no resemblance to the healthy, pristine, former state. The wilderness shouldn’t be undermined as an “escape” or “vacation,” used as a novelty then otherwise ignored. Not only should we be allowed to return to our natural state of existence, but this modern lawnmower of society’s paradigm needs to be stopped. The children deserve to know the truth at the very least.

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