If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Tuesday, January 08, 2008

Strike Proposal

It doesn't matter if you are in or out; just pass it on to as many people as you can; whether they "care" or not is irrelevant. To those "humans" stuck inside the Matrix: here's an opportunity to begin breaking out of your cubicle where your time clock keeps you tethered.


I propose a strike. As a teacher and follower of Total Prosperity and Universal Truth, I cannot participate in the perpetuation of an artificial society based upon a system of equating money with life under a supposition of relative freedom and happiness through distractions that offset the myriad diseases manifest in what is not even evolution any longer so much as mutation of body, mind, and spirit. I cannot participate in a system that extorts the planet, treating it as a commodity in order to distort natural equilibrium in a devastating way through the raping of the environment and outright murder and disrespect of other creatures in a mechanized, cold paradigm that further caters to false idolatry, gluttony, and pseudo-independence from the spirit and predetermined cycles of the natural world. We cannot be better than that which gives us life, and I resent being automatically integrated by the default of being Homo sapiens into a system that takes as a rule and severely compromises the health of the planet, of all species, and of our future generations.

My birthright, as a being made of this planet and of this universe, is to be free and to depend solely upon my inherent connection and adaptability to the natural world I’ve been given as a gift from the Creator. It should be my right to exercise my gift of free will and choose to live as a Caretaker of my Earth and as a guardian of our children’s future. I cannot and will not willingly contribute to a society or species that opposes natural law and is guilty of heinous acts against the natural world on any level.

Our basic needs for survival should not be fenced from us if we are capable of living the natural ways with no artificial creations. Money is a fabrication, and it is the driving force of a depraved and brainwashed society created from imagination disconnected from the natural order. Food should not cost money; water should not cost money; heat and shelter should not cost money. The land cannot be owned, and it is only by violence and tyranny, motivated by power and greed, that it is horded and kept from the access of the true Children of the Earth. This is not opinion, and it is not new information; it is proven truth. (Only those in denial would debate these facts and attempt to blindly justify morals and ethics that are based upon fabricated beliefs and dogma.) The way of the Children of the Earth is to follow the pure truth of the manifestation of the Creator, and our abuse of the natural world is spitting in the face of our Creator. Our lives are therefore stolen, and our spirits are therefore snuffed. Eugenic evolution and blatant civil discrimination are blasphemous, and I propose a strike.

I propose that the Children of the Earth who resent the complacency and greed that our society fosters and upon which it thrives, remove themselves from the system wholly. By living with indifference, or passively, or even in our cloistered parcels primitively, we are not permitted to serve our true purpose, and we are not only enabling but facilitating the continuation of destruction and TERRORISM. I propose we stop paying taxes; we stop working for money to “live”; no more cars, no more phones, no more houses, no more bills and nine-to-five, and no more spiritual deprivation and artificial living; we stop participating, and we take back what was stolen from our species and all others.

I propose that we demand our inherent freedom, untainted wilderness, pollution-free waters, and no obligation to the dysfunctional demands and expectations of a society of fabricated, corrupted existence.

Who’s in?

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