Considering all that has been said and written about these topics of nature, spirit, and our roles as Caretakers--which ultimately facilitates finding our true purpose and true selves by following the natural laws--it becomes easier to see the meanings of other religious doctrine through the unbiased eyes of simple, universal truth and unconditional love.
Many of us are familiar with the teachings and parables of the bible. The truth of the words that have been passed down by many hands and many interpretations and influences can be easily deciphered against the level of the only reality, which is the natural world made by God.
Instead of imbuing the writings of religions with magic and myth—oddly, the very heretical facets that these religions claim as blasphemies of the earth-based belief systems—use the level of the simple truth to see that the reality of the messages gives us guidelines that are more logically and realistically applicable to our purpose and place in the natural world. In other words, understand the meaning of the words and stories instead of simply taking someone else’s subjective interpretations as truth. Prove it wrong or prove it right, but don’t believe simply for the sake of: “that’s how it’s always been done,” as if you’re one of the chimps in the primate experiment.
Science helps us to understand more of the reality of the writings, as well. Science is a language we have designed in order to understand, or de-code natural processes. In fact, the more we use science to understand nature, the more we see that the practices of the old, Aboriginal cultures worldwide made sense, thus, the more we integrate the concepts of those practices. Unfortunately, as I’ve thoroughly proven already, it is not possible to live with modern technology and modern concepts of ethics while simultaneously preserving the integrity of the natural processes and God’s creations.
We know that God created the universe in a manner of compressing unfathomable amounts of energy into an infinitesimal point, which exploded and gave us the universe, then, ultimately, our mother planet after billions of years of processing or evolving. We know that “seven days” was metaphorical. We know that Jesus was a real person, but was no more a “god” or the embodiment of God than we are. Jesus simply understood what God really desired—to have us live as Caretakers of His creation and to live in the luxury of the natural world by reaping what we sew, and by taking only what we need without compromising the welfare of other species, nor the function of natural processes. We know that Jesus didn’t actually turn water into wine, nor did he turn a few loaves of bread and some fish into a plethora to feed the masses. Instead he divided what was available and taught the masses to appreciate what they’ve been given, to see that all should share in a tribe—and “tribe” is not solely composed of humans--and that all should get equal, and that when given the blood of the Earth, provided by God, it should be savored more than the finest wine. Jesus performed magic of spirit, of nature, because he was in touch with the cycles and signs that were part of the processes that God created. He was in tune with the natural world of reality, just as the Aboriginals of all other continents.
This real world of nature is the base, or the foundation of it all. It is the default place to which all creatures should be able to return should they so choose—and we should all choose. For our own species to, in the form of a governing entity, tell us that we may not live in the old ways in the natural, real world, is a blasphemy. It is a sin to deny us our natural rights and freedom. It is a sin to live in a manner that violates or opposes natural law.
Our species, however, given the gift of free will, has chosen to deny natural law. We have used our free will to oppose God by violating natural cycles in order to cater to our greed and comforts. We ignore the natural cycles because we fear death, and because we strive to learn the language of science in order to understand God’s mind and purpose so that we might be as smart as God. We certainly strive to control God’s creation, and we destroy pieces of it as a rule.
By living this way, it is clear that we have succumbed, as a species, to the will of Satan. But because humans live in the fantasy world of modern technology, in an artificial existence, we have given ourselves the luxury of denial, and we ignore the messages that have come from those who are the most connected to the reality of God’s nature. By living in the artificial world of money and material desires, by setting our ideals of comfort and mortality far higher than is ethical, and, in fact, by making our concepts of ethics and justice subjective, we have strayed directly into the hands of Satan, who now sits back with the smuggest grimace, knowing that we are too far gullible and gone to turn back. We are so captivated by Satan’s whims of artificial living and defying death and discomfort that we willingly avert our attention from the truth, bending God’s words to fit our greed and mollify our fear, in order to maintain the lifestyle that Satan has cultivated in our species.
I have proven this again and again for decades in all of the writing and speaking I have attempted to disseminate. You are perpetuating the will of Satan if you follow the literal interpretations of religious doctrine, and I can prove it. You are violating natural laws by following the materialistic and selfish practices of our modern cultures, by striving to gain money, by assigning lives monetary values, by allowing yourself to give-in to the artificial luxuries of technology. You are living exactly how Satan wishes, and you are defying what Jesus taught, and no amount of superficial church-going or tautology can repair that as long as you choose to ignore the truth.
Fight Satan’s grip by giving up money, artificial technology, cultural eugenics and idolatrous empowerment. All the things that your modern priests and religious leaders teach you about God and spirit and our place and purpose in the real world are typically misinformed or misled concepts, if not outright lies, influenced by political forces and trends for thousands of years. These people who preach and teach are at the forefront of Satan’s plan, living with artificial amenities and still violating the natural laws that God created for us in order to maintain balance as the Caretakers who were charged with dominion of God’s creation.
Reality is not what we make it. Reality exists whether we do or not. Reality has always existed, and we have a chance to be an integral part of it again in a productive way, instead of being the cancer that destroys it. By following the ways of modern society, you are a part of the self-serving cancer that will destroy your progeny. If you are willing to be part of the destruction of the natural world, then you are serving Satan, and God will have those who choose ignorance eliminated. Consider whether you are prepared to deal with the spiritual ramifications of your lack of temperance and selflessness.