If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Saturday, July 04, 2009

The Human Decision

Humans have the capacity to change. Humans have the capability to gain knowledge, to use intuitive judgment based upon True Principle (different from contrived principle), and to live according to this Principle in a real way that benefits all. This is Wisdom...

Truth Does Not Come From Within: It Flows Throughout

The problem is that most humans have been nurtured away from seeing it. Further, "would-be" spiritualists convince folks that it is "mystical" and that it means forsaking part of the self--especially the physical self--in order to reach "enlightenment," which typically turns out to be less enlightenment and more denial.

But it's all very simple, actually. Let's get your inherent compass to point to True North.