Humans have the capacity to change. Humans have the capability to gain knowledge, to use intuitive judgment based upon True Principle (different from contrived principle), and to live according to this Principle in a real way that benefits all. This is Wisdom...
The problem is that while humans can tap-in to knowledge and intuition, they can also make a decision to understand, to be compassionate, to participate in productive progression, to live Rightly . . . or not to. Tapping-in to intuition does not automatically imply tapping-in to positivity; this is a grave misconception. Doing so can also mean exposing oneself to negative intent. Further, being inherently inclined to this destructive intent is as real and common as being right-handed as opposed to being left-handed. It is natural; but, if there is too much destruction, we all suffer and perish. Likewise, if there is not enough destruction, then we grow beyond our natural capacity, and we perish.
There must be balance.
Another crucial element that makes the most significant difference in this logistic is alignment. If we align our principles to the principles of the subjective, artificial world of Man, then we base our entire system of Truth upon a system of fundamental Beliefs. Interpretations of Truth are not Truth. Therefore, our principles become beliefs rather than Truth, and beliefs foster self-serving attachments, as well as a grand system of destruction. This is clearly seen in the paradigm of modern societies that are not living in a mutualism with the Natural world.
Not understanding Truth and Reality is the common mindset, because those things have been nurtured out of us—or at least wholly suppressed—in our modern cultures of technology, attachments, false ideas of progress, greed, power, luxury, commodity, and irreverence. But if one is willing and wanting to explore Truth and Reality in earnest, then that person has made the choice to exercise his or her capacity to gain Wisdom through change, thus, contributing to the welfare of all.
If, however, one chooses either not to understand or to live in denial while perpetuating the destructive memes, the contrived needs, the dependency, and the addictions of modern society, then this person is inherently inclined to destruction. Now there becomes a need for resolution. To remain indifferent or to ignore this is to participate in the perpetuation of the disease, as well: to do nothing is to enable the cancer.
It is a fact, like it or not, that America and several other countries were literally established and built upon terrorism. Even if we were not directly involved in these events, we are not without accountability. Supporting the end is to tacitly condone and justify the means.
If you buy fur coats, leather seats, steaks, gelatin, or any vegetables under the justification that you didn’t actually kill anything, you are ignorantly still condoning and justifying the farming and murder of animals and plants on a massive scale in which life is treated as a commodity. This is the same with any system or method that treats life as a commodity. You don’t have to participate in the heart of the process to support the process. You don’t even have to participate in the process at all to support it. Everything is tied together economically in our modern industrial systems of destruction, of Taking. Simply participating in economics means to support the overall system that literally parasitizes the planet like a cancer and treats life as a commodity.
You literally support the terrorism, genocide, slavery, rape, torture, extortion, exploitation, and deceit that started this and other countries. You literally become a resource, contributor, or even cheerleader for the gang-style tactics that are implemented today to keep the terrorist-derived system rolling smoothly. You become a terrorist by association and participation, even if you didn’t burn infants in their villages.
You have an option. This is your gift of free-will. You can choose. Even if your free-will is restricted to a limited amount of choices offered by the Universe, it’s still free-will, and nit-picking it is absurd and relatively useless. The point is that you have every opportunity to choose to align with Truth and Reality, or to choose not to, keeping in mind that choosing nothing is still choosing something, as all of your actions still affect the Whole. Understand that there will be consequences that accompany your decision; some will endorse you, and some will defy you. Your spiritual integrity is really the element that is at stake.
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