Why can people of other cultures, of other religions, come here and practice their religions freely, but I am forced to contradict my own and live a life of hypocrisy in my native land?
I am a Pantheist. I acknowledge and integrate elements from Buddhism, Shintoism, and Taoism, but it all boils down to worshiping Nature and Natural Law as the Source of Creation, driven by a Universal Creator or Spirit-that-moves-through-all-things, which functions as Unconditional Love. Unconditional Love perpetuates all life systems, which means that the default action of the Universe is to evolve, to continue processes--even destruction is part of those processes, of course--but ultimately, the processes perpetuate life, which is what we see established here on Earthmother.
The Great Spirit is the very force of Unconditional Love, and there is energy in all things, that we all share, and it is all around us. This energy is demonstrated in emotion, "vibes" we get from other beings or things, magnetism, electricity, and in the chemical reactions in our bodies.
As Nature is the foundation of our existence, as it is what sustains us, where we come from, and an extension of ourselves, as we are part of the Universe that has been gifted with acknowledging itself, then it follows that protecting and preserving Nature, the environment, natural processes, and upholding Natural Law, is not only logical, but necessary in order to ensure the welfare of our future generations.
It has nothing to do with money, technology, or fabricated ideals and ethics established by the beliefs or powers wielded by society. Anything that opposes Nature or Natural Law, anything unnatural, unreal, anything that causes destruction or inhibits natural systems in its creation, use, or disposal is counter-productive to our environment, therefore, to us.
Our fears have caused weakness, and this has caused us to form beliefs that oppose Natural Law. This has further caused us to attempt to conquer and control Nature, changing it to fit our desires rather than adapting ourselves to it. This aberration has caused us to create technologies that severely imbalance our efficiency in a way that allows us to be more complacent while turning out far too much at the expense of other life and systems. It allows us to cater to our fears and desires while also bolstering our weaknesses. It has caused us to become pathological, to become parasitic, to devour our host while expanding rapidly and building tumors of cities and roads and developments while poisoning our host. We've become a cancer. I choose not to be part of this.
As a Pantheist, as a Paleo-Pantheist, my spiritual calling is to live in harmony with the natural world, to restore balance by living according to the Original Instructions of the Creator, those instructions that dictate my inherent place in the natural world, as part of it, not in Man's fabricated world. My duty is to be a protector of the natural world, to adhere to Natural Law, and to be an integral, productive part of the natural systems in order to benefit all life, not just human life.
As I have been given the option, of free will, to choose to be a Taker or a Caretaker, I have chosen to be a Caretaker, and my religious rights, as well as my inherent birth-rights, are being violated by the modern systems of Man.
It is against my religion to have a car, to live in a house, to use money or even this computer, to be part of a system that destroys Nature as a rule, to participate in the building of roads, cities, parking lots, bombs, machines, and any other artificial construct of Man that adversely affects the natural world, including war, agriculture and other farming, logging, and mass-fishing, or any mass-harvesting for any purpose.
It is a violation of my religion to participate in any way, whether financial or by some default idea that living on these soils makes me an automatic cohort or supporter, with the raping, exploitation, or manipulation of the natural world in a manner that harms the environment and other beings, as well as our future generations, in order to cater to our modern fears, greed, and desire for luxuries or anything beyond our inherent needs.
It is against my religion to participate in expanding our population and maintain an ecological imbalance.
It is against my religion to humor the ludicrous idea of "owning" property, of treating life as a commodity. These concepts are grave sins.
It is against my religion to do any of these things. But it is in line with my religion to live in the pristine, natural world, where my birth-right is to be able to roam freely anywhere my feet or my horse can take me, without having to recognize any borders, signs, or fences.
It is my birthright to drink of the waters of Earthmother from any freshwater source without having to worry about human-induced toxic- or bacterial-pollution.
It is my birth-right to eat any plants or wildlife, in the water, air, or on the land, that I can forage or catch, within the Natural Laws of reverence and in the mindset of the Caretaker, so that I may live and feed my family or tribe, without having to worry about boundaries, licenses, fees, fines, or any Manmade regulatory protocol or pollution.
It is my birthright to live anyplace that is suitable for me and my family to build shelters, without worrying about taxation, property expenses, or property delineation.
It is my birth-right to breathe clean air.
It is my birth-right to not have to deal with the noise of aircraft, of munitions, of vehicles, of machines, or to deal with the residual run-off or leaching of toxins and other pollutants or Manmade elements into the wilderness.
It is my birth-right not to have to deal with encroachment of cities, roads, and any other constructs or practices of any society that does not live in accordance with Natural Law.
However, I am under duress by modern society to participate in and perpetuate these unnatural practices and perversions, to bolster a system that violates our inherent birth-rights, that compromises the welfare of other life and our future generations. I am forced to adhere to Manmade law through violence and threats of losing my physical freedom. I am forced to contradict my religion, to show hypocrisy to my children, to leave a legacy of destruction and poison to my grandchildren, and it's not ethical, right, or just for society to do this, and I categorically denounce modern society and renounce my participation. I am being violated by modern society, and it is not my true self that participates in these things, but my un-living self, devoid of the true spirit of my inherent purpose. I deny being part of this society and willingly relinquish my connection to this society and its practices.
Until I am free as my wild brothers and sisters, free of the influences of Man, I am living death.
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