If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Friday, October 08, 2010

Nature Deficit Disorder. Do You Have NDD?

If we let ego determine our grounds of belief for ourselves, and we pass those beliefs onto our children, then we do them a grave disservice, and it typically stems from ignorance.

In other words, the goal of all beings right now should be about preservation of our future generations, and this means preservation of Grandmother Earth. Failing this, our grandchildren are doomed. So it is crucial that we teach them ABOUT Grandmother Earth, and how we actually fit in, rather than teaching them society's ways of exploiting our world. By teaching them about Nature, they foster a love for Nature (unless we teach them that life is a commodity), and with love comes protection. We protect what we love. Our species doesn't really show that it loves Nature anymore.

So it begins with letting our egos take a rest and thinking of the welfare of the children in spite of ourselves. This means we start bringing them outside and nurturing their curiosity, Love, and respect for the natural world by implementing activities, walks, and discussions/stories that are about being immersed in a sunset, for example; or a particular trail, flower, or animal track; perhaps write a song about the seasons; have them draw a picture of an insect they saw on a plant; play hide-and-seek in the woods; build a camp; put on a puppet show....the games and activities are endless. Teach them to understand the plants by having them draw pictures and play "field guide" scavenger hunt.

My kids are required to sit outside in a favorite spot for a minimum of 30 minutes every day, so they can learn about the life and transitions of that spot. They do what I call "bio sheets" every day on different beings, and they all can go into the wild and survive on their own with no Manmade tools or equipment. All of them can collect edibles from the yard/woods, and I always have them help me gather medicinal plants, as well. And it's all done in a way that they have fun and want to learn through the experience. We just hang out, and they learn lessons as life predicts.

They suddenly find that they don't care about missing television or worrying about sleeping in a bed or eating from a plate. The quality time of life is spent living, not worrying about living.

It's very easy, too. Kids know everything! :DD Get some field guides on plants, then ask THEM to teach YOU about any particular plant you find fascinating. YOU ask THEM questions because you don't know, and they will be happy to educate you. Nature gave us all curiosity and freedom to wander according to our soul's direction, so tap into it and have fun! 

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