If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some Truth about Truth: Part 1

According to the logic of many so-called “spiritually aware” and religious folks out there, being connected to Spirit is something accomplished by having an understanding of God, of Divine Will, that we possess Divinity within us, or that we are becoming more spiritually aware as a species supposedly progressive in understanding quantum mechanics, transcendental theory, worldwide belief systems, and the fact that we are all bound by an eternal and infinite energy.

What this implies then, is

Some Truth about Truth: Part II

A flower does not go off from Nature and try to find its place and purpose through texts and self-discovery courses. Neither does a deer, nor a mouse, nor a beetle. These are all manifestations of God, direct embodiments of the Great Spirit, our brothers and sisters, literally. They are already playing out their Original Instructions. They are already in the Now, enlightened by not even knowing what enlightenment is. They are One with the Whole. How can we be so stupid and selfish to not see this? Why are we so obsessed with outthinking Reality? Learn from them, those who are already there, those who are clearly superior in their ability to connect with God, directly, to just BE.

My Mom

I can always go to my mother when I need to feel comforted, when I need to have someone accept me and dissolve my frustrations.
My mom always listens to me, but with her heart, and I never feel judged.
She always feels the need to feed me. My mom perpetually has something out for me to eat and drink. That’s one of the best things about how moms nurture us, with the validation of care and attention, especially when I am not fighting with my brothers and sisters or stealing their toys.
One of the most soothing things about my mom is her voice. When she speaks, it’s like having my spirit lifted into the Universe.
And my mom has the most amazing stories to tell from eons past. She is very Wise.
My mom is beautiful, and when the Great Spirit made her, she was so lovely that I think It made all moms beautiful like her.
My mom lets me know that I have purpose, that I am never alone and always loved. She sets an example for me, trying to be loving and caring to everyone, all of my brothers and sisters.
I wish everybody loved my mom as much.
She is Earth.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part I

When I go into the wild, into Reality, to gather food, it is with reverence and respect. Life is not a commodity. It is not to be taken without an honorable reciprocation of some kind. This process of taking from Nature, to me, implies an immense amount of gratitude and a depth of investment not for my own welfare, but for the welfare of our future generations, for if I take for myself with no regard for the future, then I steal from our progeny, and I disgrace the purpose of my existence within the flow of the predetermined cycles of Nature.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part II

The plants I have taken are also told that I mean no disrespect, and that I am grateful that they will become part of my own body, that we will merge physically and spiritually, and that I honor the greatest gift of life that they are allowing me to take.

In my actions of living, I must always be reciprocating so that there is either no net loss on either side, or so that I leave Nature with the net gain. This is honoring the Creator. This is respect, and it is balance.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part III

event of a system that is more like a machine than a personal connection to Reality. Now we live in spite of Nature. As our population grows, we will begin to find that we have differing belief systems from others, and we will push each other into smaller spaces, competing for food and now for the new god of money. Eugenics begins to take over so that those with more money live better in spite of their physical weaknesses, while those with less money have less and suffer. Subcultures will develop, and there will be war internally between cities or clans. As international travel increases, more dissension will ensue globally, and nations will seek power by jockeying for positions, using people to annihilate each other with violence and hatred for a common cause relative to each nation, that is used to extort our natural tendency for cooperation, so that we are lulled by a pseudo-patriotism, a propagandist brotherhood, and our weapons will be increasingly technological so that we can kill more people, eliminate more land from greater distances and with less effort.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part IV

. . . have developed within the artificial world. Now, I don’t even need to touch Nature at all. I can go from my house to my driveway to my car to a parking lot to an office building and I can negotiate city streets and subways to get my needs met. Nature is alien to me, now. I justify my blasphemy by blaming Nature for being too harsh, too hard, too cruel, and I actually call Natural cycles “natural disasters” when they cost my society money. I can even call all of my inventions “natural” by some contrived loophole since the synthesized materials I gathered actually came “from Nature” technically in their unadulterated form. But this is naïve and selfish. This is the mind of the destructive, the demons.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part V

My gift of free will has been biased by fear, and I am the disease upon the planet. But not everyone is this way. There are many who wish to return to the Real world, to connect to spirit.

Technology creates complacency, ease of living that undermines the purpose of the hard work it should actually take to experience life, to maintain health and balance in Reality. This was living. Life in the ancient cultures was Law, and Law was Life. The honor and dignity of hard work created a sense of pride, tempered with the humility of accountability. It was a matter of seeking perfection in all that we do, whether making a beautiful pair of moccasins or cleaning the latrines. Technology allows us to cater to our fears, discomforts, shortcomings, and desires. It facilitates selfishness. Spirit cannot flourish when we are inhabited and inhibited by selfishness, fear, and desire. Spirit is not about money, possessions, or personal gain. Never has been, never will be. Technology does not bridge us to the spiritual. Technology directly opposes it, creates a rift of dependency and numbness, instead. It causes harm to the environment, ecosystems, and other species. This is fact. Our overpopulation is a testament to this entire document. We are destructive right now.

The Middle of Now

Darkness exists in the absence of light, but darkness is the absence; it is the default. Light is energy that fills the darkness. Cold is the absence of heat; heat is energy that fills the coldness. Silence is the absence of sound. Death is the absence of life.

The Earth pulls us to her. Life pushes away from her. Trees and plants sprout and push away, reaching toward the sun. The roots and the ground are the Unity of body. The leaves and the Sun are the Unity of energy. The pull is the female entity, the push, the male. The place between the darkness and light, the push and pull, the heat and cold, the stillness and vibration is Unity. There is a resonance of harmony as the twilight of extremes; this is where unconditional love is found.