My gift of free will has been biased by fear, and I am the disease upon the planet. But not everyone is this way. There are many who wish to return to the Real world, to connect to spirit.
Technology creates complacency, ease of living that undermines the purpose of the hard work it should actually take to experience life, to maintain health and balance in Reality. This was living. Life in the ancient cultures was Law, and Law was Life. The honor and dignity of hard work created a sense of pride, tempered with the humility of accountability. It was a matter of seeking perfection in all that we do, whether making a beautiful pair of moccasins or cleaning the latrines. Technology allows us to cater to our fears, discomforts, shortcomings, and desires. It facilitates selfishness. Spirit cannot flourish when we are inhabited and inhibited by selfishness, fear, and desire. Spirit is not about money, possessions, or personal gain. Never has been, never will be. Technology does not bridge us to the spiritual. Technology directly opposes it, creates a rift of dependency and numbness, instead. It causes harm to the environment, ecosystems, and other species. This is fact. Our overpopulation is a testament to this entire document. We are destructive right now.
As long as society treats life as a commodity, as long as society believes that land, air, and water can be owned, then those with money will have more, and it will be owned by those who know the least about it. Society facilitates this disgusting practice. Technology reinforces it because we depend upon it because we are spiritually deprived and depraved. Using technology is an indication of spiritual sickness. This is fact. And as long as society maintains this paradigm, then people who do not want to participate in this system will continue to be forced to do so, to give up their inherent rights to live in Reality, to live as Caretakers, because there will always be human impact, pollution, development, landownership, taxes, anthropogenics, and increasingly less viable tracts for any natural colonies to be able to survive. This is tyranny; it is injustice. The selfishness and spiritual depravity of modern culture infringes upon the inherent rights of other humans to live out of modern culture.
Nobody can prove at all in any way that modern technology is beneficial to all life. If anything creates a net-deficit to Nature or any ecosystem or species of Nature, then it must be abandoned. The majority of our needs are perceived and selfish, and we have no right to continue this existence with any sense of morality or righteousness.
Ethics are subjective in the human world, and this is not viable. Anyone believing that technology is beneficial or is “positive,” and that we have no accountability to do something to change this sickness, is naïve and diametrically opposes Nature. There is no spirituality in modern technology. And when you multiply its usage by billions of people, it is staggeringly despicable and destructive. It’s not about personal preference, because that’s a load of selfish garbage. It’s about being realistic and stepping-up with responsibility for accountability and doing what’s right for the Whole.
This is fact. Nature cannot be proven wrong, and it takes a truly sick and depraved mind to believe otherwise. The only Divine Plan is found in Natural Law, not in man’s doctrines and beliefs. Touting technology is advocating the spiritual numbness. No matter what we do to this planet, she will recover some form of balance in the future, once we’re gone. But all we really have left to change, to be accountable for, is spirit, the Intent with which we leave this physical form. Is our existence going to be a constant push of destruction or are we going to finally embrace Love and Reality?
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