If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part II

The plants I have taken are also told that I mean no disrespect, and that I am grateful that they will become part of my own body, that we will merge physically and spiritually, and that I honor the greatest gift of life that they are allowing me to take.

In my actions of living, I must always be reciprocating so that there is either no net loss on either side, or so that I leave Nature with the net gain. This is honoring the Creator. This is respect, and it is balance.

These things that I do to live with Nature take skill and work. This activity helps to keep me strong, alert, healthy, cleansed, and it is a way that I honor the Creator for the physical gifts I have been given. As well, I must keep my mind sharp, always aware of everything, connected to the Now and never lost in dwelling upon the past or anticipating the future. I earn what I need to live, and I return with all that I do, never taking for granted anything with which I’ve been blessed. I am grateful to be healthy, aware, and strong and capable, and I would never undermine these gifts of the Creator. Now I fulfill my role in the Real world, where I also submit my entire life and death to the function of Love, to the Natural cycles, because there is no fear in Reality of dying or loss. There is no external possession, and there is no possession of self. If I allow these things to happen, then my mind and spirit become affected, and I then begin to cater to my selfishness, seeking to fulfill desires and to cater to my fears.

In this case, however, learning to fear death, learning to find discomfort in the Reality of cold winters or rainy days of tracking game, I begin to seek ways to mitigate my fears by creating tools that will make my life easier, so that I can be more comfortable, so that I can find more time to immerse myself into distractions rather than in Reality.

Instead of going to gather the plants, I will develop fields of plants that I can easily harvest with increasingly efficient tools. I will eliminate the ecosystems of other beings in order to make more room for my crops and livestock so that I can feed my growing family, as well as the families of others. Now that we fear death and loss, we will strive to develop technologies to stave off death. We will have hospitals and synthetic medicines that will kill diseases or fight bacteria. We will numb our pains of birth and death, and we will make dying harder while we make birthing easier. As we develop more comfortable and safe surroundings, taking up more land with bigger houses, roads, infrastructures, and cities, we will begin to evolve relative to our fabricated world. Now we will not need to have sharp eyesight, body-hair, and good ears for hunting and staying warm. We will not need to hunt at all. Life will be a commodity. As our senses numb, our brains will compensate, and we will build technologies to fill-in as crutches for our physical shortcomings. Thus, our future generations will be born with evolutionary deficiencies and anomalies that would not let them survive in the Natural world, yet as we have developed increasing fear of death and loss, we will invent technology to salvage them, to bring them into existence deformed and sick, because we are too selfish to let them go.
We will need more land for industry and agriculture, as well as residency for our increasing population. Now taking from Nature is a dead matter of course, a callous continued

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