If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part III

event of a system that is more like a machine than a personal connection to Reality. Now we live in spite of Nature. As our population grows, we will begin to find that we have differing belief systems from others, and we will push each other into smaller spaces, competing for food and now for the new god of money. Eugenics begins to take over so that those with more money live better in spite of their physical weaknesses, while those with less money have less and suffer. Subcultures will develop, and there will be war internally between cities or clans. As international travel increases, more dissension will ensue globally, and nations will seek power by jockeying for positions, using people to annihilate each other with violence and hatred for a common cause relative to each nation, that is used to extort our natural tendency for cooperation, so that we are lulled by a pseudo-patriotism, a propagandist brotherhood, and our weapons will be increasingly technological so that we can kill more people, eliminate more land from greater distances and with less effort.

As we evolve in the fabricated world, surrounded by artificial lights and artificial life, plastic surgery, sports, gambling, drugs, video-games, rock-concerts, drag-racing, cults, Klans, and a mentality of tolerance that means putting up fences and boundaries to keep everyone away from us while we share the same grocery stores and gather with small factions of like-minded folks in churches or clubs so that we try to maintain a sense of society, of belonging, we find ourselves becoming engulfed in bitterness and misery.

Our jobs are unfair and take all of our time and lives from our families. Our children grow up too fast, and we find that we’ve missed more of their upbringing than we thought, even while we were home with them, as we needed to escape into sports, newspapers, television shows, or other pastimes just to get some relief from the stressful day of dealing with so many people or demands in the name of money. We find that we are tethered to the system of a repeating record, a rut of: daycare, school, college, jobs, careers, marriage, home, children, retirement, and death. Our elders are disposed of in convenient facilities so that we can remain unfettered and productive. This is the way of the new culture, and we’re lucky if we can even claim to have accomplished anything that isn’t outdated or replaced by technology before we die. We even believe dying is an ending because we define ourselves by possession and all that we leave behind. We believe we can own parcels of land, upon which we spray poisons and then plant invasive species that work to compromise the local flora and fauna so we can have the most beautiful, unnatural green lawn on the block. We establish property lines on an Earth we cannot own, and we either ignore or demolish the natural world within.

As technology develops, I don’t have to go out and gather my food. I don’t have to listen to the cycles of Nature. I don’t have to fit in and participate. Now, I can rape from afar. I don’t have to hunt; I don’t have to make my own clothing; I don’t have to heat a small home I built with my hands with only what Nature gave me in its purest form. I can now buy synthetics that have a net-detriment to the environment that our children will inherit, instead. I can pollute and justify it with recycling, just as much as I can sin for the week and justify it with religion on Sunday. I have no need to invest myself in the natural cycles anymore, not only because I have invented technology to do the work for me, but because I cannot even survive in Reality for having such atrophied senses and skills thatcontinued

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