If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part IV

. . . have developed within the artificial world. Now, I don’t even need to touch Nature at all. I can go from my house to my driveway to my car to a parking lot to an office building and I can negotiate city streets and subways to get my needs met. Nature is alien to me, now. I justify my blasphemy by blaming Nature for being too harsh, too hard, too cruel, and I actually call Natural cycles “natural disasters” when they cost my society money. I can even call all of my inventions “natural” by some contrived loophole since the synthesized materials I gathered actually came “from Nature” technically in their unadulterated form. But this is naïve and selfish. This is the mind of the destructive, the demons.

Technology now makes it possible for me to interact across the globe with electronics, like a new fangled miracle of spiritual epiphany. Now, instead of being connected to Reality, I can plug myself in to the artificial world, to the computers, and I can be connected to the machine that perpetuates fear and subjectivity, always downloading what I’m told is important. I am a fish in a barrel as a target for brainwashing because I have become so dependent upon the artificial world that I cannot leave it, and I will justify it and defend it wholly. I will convince my deprived spirit that this is “God’s will” or the “divine plan” and that I am too helpless and not even obligated to change because this is the way it’s done around here. I will believe that I am above that which sustains me, and that I am entitled to take what I wish, to live to any excess I can establish, to reap the “most” out of life, all in spite of reverence and Reality. My existence is to be the parasite, the cancer, and technology allows me to do this with great efficiency.

My mind is full of confusing messages and beliefs. I am convinced that the only just existence is one in which I find my “true self’ relative to the sick, fabricated world, and I assimilate as best I can. I am no longer part of the Real world, so my spirit is deprived. Technology offers distractions to my busy mind so that I can pacify my spirit, ignore it. But I still feel a yearning, a craving to see the Sun, to smell fresh air, to watch a fire or sit by the water. I miss most of life now, because I am tunnel-visioned on my own existence in the fantasy world. I am now concerned with clocks and efficiency, and I cannot afford to worry about sending my children to daycare to be raised by surrogate mothers. I can’t afford to worry about my broken car, my rent, my sick mother, my own health, because I need to be a productive cog in the wheel so that I can have technology to make my life easier and pacify my sick spirit. Now I need a vacation from the artificial world. Now I leave my artificial home in my cookie-cutter neighborhood (or my private acreage that I know nothing about in the countryside), and I jaunt off in a jet to a gigantic, commercialized amusement park that not only utilizes the utmost in technological blasphemy, but tries to simulate Nature, but in a much more comfortable, less offensive way, so that it is more approachable—but still out of reach--to me and my sensitive species. Or we might go to the beach so that we can sit on towels and blankets in an overcrowded spot of sunbathers who are into the scene to take advantage of the landscape, to indulge in personal matters of relaxation, to usurp the land and the sun, to leave the trash from the fast foods and soda bottles, with no regard of the impact on the environment they abuse. I will stop with my family at signs that say, “Scenic Overlook” for moments of mock admiration and awe at the picturesque landscape so that we can take advantage of a photo-op before getting back into the air-conditioned Hybrid SUV--that makes me feel like I’m contributing to environmental consciousness because I ignore the real impact of detriment it has on the environment—which I bought based upon an imaginary system of discrimination made up of theoretical value called “credit,” and my genetically modified, test-tube children restart their DVD players or iPods so that they don’t have to interact with the family or their surroundings while we travel from point A to point B with efficiency at 40+ mpg. I will not get lost because I have a trusty GPS that talks to me.Last Page

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