If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Some Truth about Truth: Part II

A flower does not go off from Nature and try to find its place and purpose through texts and self-discovery courses. Neither does a deer, nor a mouse, nor a beetle. These are all manifestations of God, direct embodiments of the Great Spirit, our brothers and sisters, literally. They are already playing out their Original Instructions. They are already in the Now, enlightened by not even knowing what enlightenment is. They are One with the Whole. How can we be so stupid and selfish to not see this? Why are we so obsessed with outthinking Reality? Learn from them, those who are already there, those who are clearly superior in their ability to connect with God, directly, to just BE.
Spiritual awareness and connection is not in church, nor in books. It is not in the lectures put out by televangelists, nor is it residing in a Pope’s station.

Truth is about how we go out to Reality, the very same Reality that works FOR ALL BEINGS—and that is the most important part; it has to work for all beings, all species. Truth does not judge, but it selects through Unconditional Love. Truth has no net-deficit, no restrictions save for the dynamic of Reality. What you put into Truth, you receive, but there is no personal gain, no ulterior motive. There is no reward of Heaven, no punishment of Hell awaiting us. These are the concepts we create moment-to-moment and always. What we do affects all other things, and our ripples will elicit ripples to return to us from others. If we put out Unconditional Love, we are more likely to elicit Unconditional Love, and if we put out anger, fear, destruction, then we are more likely to see that rebound. Karma is not ulterior motive, grudge, or vengeance. Karma is Truth of action elicits reaction. If I plant a seed with love and care, then it will grow and yield fruit. This is Love, Truth, and Karma. It is Now.
The misconception that runs rampant in our societies is that Truth is relative, or that we have to discover our own Truth. But that is backward. It’s not Truth that is relative to us, but it is how we uncover the same, Universal Truth that is the Truth for all of us. It is how we go out and immerse ourselves INTO Truth, into Nature. We have to go out and experience Reality and adapt ourselves TO IT, and not try to adapt it to ourselves. That is Truth.

If you do not go out into Nature, into God’s very creation, and adapt yourself to it with no artificial creations of Man (which are NOT God’s creations, folks; that ludicrous mindset I have already thoroughly disproved as being valid), but only your naked body and what God supplies directly as an unadulterated, un-perverted, un-blasphemed manifestation of Itself, then you have no grasp of the Reality of Spirit. If you cannot prove Reality, then you are still caught up in Self, which automatically means you are not Awake. You cannot claim Spirituality or Oneness if it is selfish. You do not possess any Divine Power or Will because you as a Self do not exist in Reality. You are not above the animals and trees, and the majority of what you do in your life is driven by fear and desire. If you truly want to “know” God and yourself, then you must submit yourself fully to God by going out to where God exists, which is Nature. God may exist in your heart and mind, and that’s all nice and romantic, but it’s useless if you don’t truly know what that means. If you do not make the commitment, then it is a shallow, conditional possession of what you believe God/Love/Reality/Nature is. You cannot accomplish this as a “knower” of Nature, but only as a PART of Nature. Living in and participating willingly in a society of Takers from Nature, of destroyers of God, is not how to attain spiritual growth.

Mental, spiritual, physical growth is established by continually adapting ourselves, purely, to our environment. It is not established by adapting our environment to ourselves.

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