If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Monday, May 11, 2009

My Mom

I can always go to my mother when I need to feel comforted, when I need to have someone accept me and dissolve my frustrations.
My mom always listens to me, but with her heart, and I never feel judged.
She always feels the need to feed me. My mom perpetually has something out for me to eat and drink. That’s one of the best things about how moms nurture us, with the validation of care and attention, especially when I am not fighting with my brothers and sisters or stealing their toys.
One of the most soothing things about my mom is her voice. When she speaks, it’s like having my spirit lifted into the Universe.
And my mom has the most amazing stories to tell from eons past. She is very Wise.
My mom is beautiful, and when the Great Spirit made her, she was so lovely that I think It made all moms beautiful like her.
My mom lets me know that I have purpose, that I am never alone and always loved. She sets an example for me, trying to be loving and caring to everyone, all of my brothers and sisters.
I wish everybody loved my mom as much.
She is Earth.

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