Darkness exists in the absence of light, but darkness is the absence; it is the default. Light is energy that fills the darkness. Cold is the absence of heat; heat is energy that fills the coldness. Silence is the absence of sound. Death is the absence of life.
The Earth pulls us to her. Life pushes away from her. Trees and plants sprout and push away, reaching toward the sun. The roots and the ground are the Unity of body. The leaves and the Sun are the Unity of energy. The pull is the female entity, the push, the male. The place between the darkness and light, the push and pull, the heat and cold, the stillness and vibration is Unity. There is a resonance of harmony as the twilight of extremes; this is where unconditional love is found.
Night and Day oscillate with one another. Their frequency creates a Unity of cyclical progression, a recurring movement of cycles of seasons, growth, and death.
If I pass a rope over a smooth branch and hold one end in each hand, I can move my hands in opposite directions in order to create motion of the rope sliding over the branch. If I push with one hand too hard or fast, the rope slackens on the push side, and the pull side has to catch up. But if I pull too hard or fast on the pull side, there is resistance from the slower push side. Only when they work in harmony is there Unity and smooth progression with no tension and no slack.
The Sun pulls the planets to it, but they also fall away. If the Sun did not pull, the planets would fly away with the push of centripetal force, while if the planets were not pushed away by this force, then they would collapse into the Sun. This Unity creates orbit, constant motion.
If you push against me while I face you, and I push back, we have conflict. A push opposes a push. Likewise, if you pull against me and I, in turn, pull against you, we also have a stalemate of conflict. Now if you pull and I push, we have motion. Likewise, if you push and I pull, we also have motion. But this motion can never reach full night or full day as long as we face one another with no resolution to the motion. Essentially, we play see-saw back and forth until we either grow tired or into infinity, but there is no progression. However, if I change my position when you push, and I contribute to your push with a tangential pull, thus making your push come from MY center instead of yours, I can direct your energy into my absence of energy, which I will then switch in our dance as I contribute my energy into bringing your absence of energy to resolution. I will now illuminate your darkness by extending your energy with mine away from me, or I will extinguish your energy by embracing you into darkness. Light added to light creates brighter light. Push added to push must not conflict, but make a unified movement toward resolution.
Movement pierces stillness and intention pierces perception.
Mushin is the absence of thought, of preoccupation with the past (missing or regretting) and the future (wishing, expecting, planning), which facilitates Zanshin or complete awareness of our connection to all things (Mitakuye Oyasin), which is accomplished through being Unconditional Love, which is accomplished through being part of Reality in mind, body, and spirit, which means living with the land (Original Instructions), which means we experience Musubi, or the Now, the place between action and reaction. It is the place of Change, of Intent, which means that our existence is always in a state of present progression, or active stillness. Mindfulness means embracing the Now and making positive, productive change by being connected to Reality through being wholly grateful for all of Nature and emanating Unconditional Love/Compassion for all life and Natural Law (Mitakuye Oyasin), which means losing the concept of self which then allows us to experience Satori or Oneness.
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