Someone said to me, “Saving the dominant species means that the world would be saved,” or something to that effect. Obviously, humans are not the dominant species in the natural world. We are a prevalent species, but we are far from dominant in reality, if for no other reason than that we’ve removed ourselves from the natural role we once occupied. As a species that has chosen to diametrically oppose its Original Instructions, we have become a cancer. If we are to look at “dominant” in the context of being oppressive, abusive, and destructive, then, perhaps yes, we are dominant. But dominion doesn’t necessarily imply oppression, at least not in its purest form. “Dominion” represents being an overseer, a Caretaker. A gardener has dominion over her garden, but she does not rule by oppression; she oversees and protects and cares for the garden, for it is her well-being. We are far from being Caretakers any longer, yet we are dominant in destructive force.
We speak to the Universe in our actions and in our intentions. When an action occurs, there are ripples that emanate from the source of the action, and there are effects that occur, each one with its own ripples, and so on. There is a mesh overlay of ripples in a fabric of occurrences that happen constantly throughout existence. The more things that happen, the more disturbances that are caused, but now these natural rhythms (which are typically harmonic in the established reality of nature) are also impacted by the actions in the fabricated world of man, similar to a discordant sound interrupting a pristine symphony. Further, man’s senses are dulled within the artificial existence, and his awareness of the natural rhythms is consistently numbed. Human de-evolution or mutation is manifesting as physical detachment from reality or nature. Things occur always, but we have become so accustomed and/or numbed to those ripples that we are drowning in stimuli, and we choose to escape into our own interpretations of reality instead of living in a dual perspective of the physical and spiritual in order to discern and escape from the artificial influences, which would reveal reality. This is where the Medium or Channel would find peak potential, but this can only be accomplished by realizing that the artificial world violates natural law, which is a contradiction to reality, thus, a deterrent to spiritual awareness. In order to see reality in its purest manifestation of truth, we must abandon subjective values of society, lose our self-awareness as defined by those values, and be part of the natural world entirely, living by only the fairness of give and take without artificial influence. This is how we see pure truth and purpose.
When we function, the Universe responds. There are no accidents in the Universe, but only to humans. An accident is the undesired or unintentional result of an action we put forth. To us, when something occurs that we do not plan or did not intend to happen, we interpret it as an accident. To the Universe, actions have affects that elicit effects and often fairly predictable results. Chaos and Order happen, but there is a rhythm (unconditional love/productivity) to their dynamic. One thing causes another to happen. Our existence should be utilized as an enormous opportunity to learn how to find balance and purpose in reality. The Universe will continue to exist and function whether we do or not, but our stay on this planet can either be destructive and parasitic, and quite limited at our own doing, or it could be productive and spiritually satiating. Regardless, we will end someday. Do we end as a failure, or do we end with honor?
Humans being removed from the natural world would not cause a breakdown of the web of life. Each species is a strand in the web that functions as a whole. We humans have eliminated strands, weakening the overall function of the whole. As we continue to eliminate strands, the integrity of the whole is compromised. Further, the supports upon which the web is constructed are being weakened as we denude landscapes, pollute air, waters, and land, and continue to expand and consume. If humans were eliminated, the web could further unravel due to cause and effect, or it could begin to be re-spun. We could choose to begin re-strengthening the support system of the web so that it could be rebuilt by time and natural processes, but instead we continue to expand, pollute, and parasitize. The web will fail, and so will we. The Universe responds to what we say, but we do not heed these things; the Universe speaks, we choose not to listen. When a tree falls in the forest, we see nothing more than a tree falling in the forest. But when a tree falls in the forest, and a person is sitting under the tree not paying attention, then we call it a “catastrophic event.” We build cities in earthquake- and tornado-zones, and when our houses are devastated by earthquakes and tornados, we call it a “natural disaster.” When we see HIV and cancer and other pandemics occur as a response to our overpopulation or in response to our tampering with ecosystems and biodiversity, we do not heed the warnings, we choose to fight against them so that we may continue to expand and parasitize. Effectively, humans believe that the Universe is wrong, and that we deserve to have relative immortality.
We are a “have your cake, and eat it, too,” species. We want to have the cake so that we may admire the decorations, and so that we may smell its sweetness and enjoy the anticipation of tasting it. We want to be spoiled with possessing such a thing, but we also choose to indulge and gluttonize, devouring the cake for lack of self-control or temperance, and because we believe there will always be more cake available—maybe not for the grandchildren, but at least for us now. Let them deal with it when they get here. (Which actually means that we will deal with it in another life to come, we just don’t accept that for now.) This is an unacceptable method of existing.
Saving the humans necessitates saving the Earth and all of her inherent systems first. Saving the planet does not necessitate saving the humans.