The problem is that most humans have been nurtured away from seeing it. Further, "would-be" spiritualists convince folks that it is "mystical" and that it means forsaking part of the self--especially the physical self--in order to reach "enlightenment," which typically turns out to be less enlightenment and more denial.
But it's all very simple, actually. Let's get your inherent compass to point to True North.
You must breathe to survive. (Some creatures don’t need oxygen, such as anaerobic bacteria which respire with Glycolysis, but all living organisms respire.) This is Truth.
You may believe that breathing is annoying or fun. You may believe that you are lucky it is involuntary. You may understand the processes of metabolic reactions in your body are stunning. But these are interpretations of the fact that you must breathe. They do not have any bearing upon that Truth.
You need food in order to live. All living beings need to eat food. This is Truth.
You may look into the nutrient contents of foods, learn the cell structures and how they work in our bodies. You may create a diet based upon what you believe you need from certain foods. You may assign a monetary value to foods. But these are interpretations of Truth, not Truth.
You may not like the taste of some foods. You may like some foods warm and some foods cold. You may like to smell some foods cooking, while others make you ill. But these are interpretations of food, and have nothing to do with the Truth that you need to eat food to survive.
You must drink water to survive. All life on this planet began with water. This is Truth.
Like the foods, you may break-down the mineral or nutrient contents of your water. You may draw pictures of the molecular structure of water. You may mix powdered drinks into your water. But these are interpretations. They do not have anything to do with the fundamental Truth that you must drink water to survive.
All systems on Earth are connected, and their balance and integrity need to be maintained in order for all of us to survive. This is Truth.
No matter how much we feel that we can take what we want or what we believe we need at the expense of other beings and ecosystems, our impacts affect all beings and ecosystems. But these systems have taken billions of years to develop, and they are intertwined. If we treat them as commodities, we sign our death-certificates.
So you must have certain factors met in order to survive. This is Truth. You cannot defy Truth, or you will cease to exist in this physical form.
There are Truths of existence throughout Nature. The process of Nature is progression of evolution, growth, change. It is about continuance of life. If the default action of Nature were self-destruction, then it would never have existed. Life persists. Nature creates cycles and processes of evolution and adaptation specifically in order to maintain an equilibrium of change and life. This is called Unconditional Love. It is the default programming of all of Nature.
Within this programming is destruction. This is fact, and it is necessary. But it is not the dominant process, only part of the whole. This applies to the physical world and the spirit world, both of which are manifestations of energy.
Since all beings on Earth are made of Earth, depend upon all of the plants, the waters, the animals, etc, as parts of a whole system that is literally the manifestation of the unconditional love, the perpetuation of life established by Nature, then that means that our basic needs for survival depend upon the maintaining the integrity of these pre-determined processes. What is good for all things is good for us. This should work both ways. This is Principle. It applies to the physical and the spiritual.
But Man has taken to interpreting this Truth. Man has decided to move away from the integrity of these cycles and seek to make existence more luxurious at the expense of other life and the cycles. Man has decided to lose spiritual integrity and allow logic and knowledge run his existence within an alignment of selfishness.
Now the world that Man has created is based upon beliefs, but not Truth. It is the natural result of the natural processes that occur when we ignore our natural roles and defy natural laws. We have become perfectly unnatural by natural law because we have attempted to defy natural law.
We have moved away from grasping Truth. We no longer live Truth. We even define our modern interpretations of Awareness, Oneness, Enlightenment, and Spirituality by the artificial parameters that Man has created. We are attempting to program ourselves to be spiritual, but we’re missing the Reality of spirit. Instead of immersing ourselves in Truth and establishing our inherent connection to the Whole, we have formed spiritual concepts and beliefs that make us think that disconnecting ourselves from our Whole beings is spiritual.
This is not Truth. It is true, but it is not Truth.
In order to understand Reality and our True selves, we must first understand how to distinguish Reality from Belief. This can only be accomplished by utilizing a “carpenter’s level” of Indisputable Truth. By “indisputable,” that means it must apply to all beings, all life. This Truth is the Reality of Nature. Nobody can argue this without invalidating their very existence. If we are foolish enough to believe that nothing really matters, or that nothing really exists unless we perceive it, or that our impacts are irrelevant because we are here to extort our physical existence, then we contradict ourselves and our logic immediately, and this is at the expense of the welfare of all other life. This is Mego at its most selfish.
The Reality is that we cannot separate our physical welfare from our spiritual. It is not possible to favor one without the other suffering, which, in turn, affects the favored one anyway. Your spirit is not more important than your body. And your body is not more important than your spirit. They are equally significant. They are gifts of Truth, and they must be treasured and maintained in the healthiest way possible in order for each to grow and function with vitality and integrity. This is Truth. This is Reality.
In this light, we see that our health in both physical and spiritual form comes from the health of Nature. It is from the foods and waters we ingest, as well as the air we breathe. Thus, our taking care of Nature is paramount in taking care of ourselves.
The Natural corollary to this is that when we take care of Nature, our spirits also blossom. In order to take care of Nature, we must immerse ourselves within the processes and become part of them again. We must give up the beliefs of our perceived needs, our desires for materialism, for power, for luxury, and we must not treat life as a commodity. Our immersion into Nature means that we give up the smaller self, the Mego, because we must let ourselves go in order to live. In the Natural world, to live from the place of the self is certain death.
This immersion into Reality, this giving-up of self is the becoming of a Caretaker. It means accepting our inherent role or Original Instructions that we programmed into us from Nature, not programmed through the nurtured interpretations of Man. This immersion reveals our True Selves, our true place and purpose. When we give ourselves to Nature, we find our True Selves because it is only there that we can establish the connection to that which created and sustains us.
You do not know your True Self until you can break all dependency upon what is interpretation rather than Truth.
Money is not Truth. Plastic is not Truth. Electronics are not Truth. Anything that is made or practiced by Man and has a detrimental affect upon the Natural world in its creation, usage, or disposal, is not Truth. They are perceived needs, and they foster beliefs and attachments. Imagine if these things were abandoned.
You cannot know your True self unless you live fully in the Natural world. This is Truth.
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