Aratama: Control of the Spirit
Judgment is crucial when properly aligned with universal law or principle. This is True or Right Judgment.
Judgment is shown in economy of action and in the wisdom based upon properly aligned principle. A person of Right Judgment is a person of sensibility, possessing courage and wisdom of morality...
Right Judgment is not the shallow judgment of exclusivity, which represents intolerance, bias, subjectivity, and lack of compassion and understanding. Right Judgment is not the shallow judgment that foments destructive anger, which inhibits introspection, thus attaching us to the ego of another through the ego of self. This attachment further inhibits our ability to empty the bias and distractions of the mind, which restrict our freedom and prevent our movements from presenting as pure and responsive. Shallow judgment does not allow us to emulate the harmony of Nature, but instead causes us to be reflective of the initially applied aggression, or to be the source of the disconnect and disharmony that elicit conflict.
Coupled with the principle of Beauty in Living, (Nigitama), it is the expression of consideration for all other beings under the principle of universal law: the welfare of all life (Total Prosperity based upon Universal Truth). This is presented as a “parental” role of compassion, but not displayed as the mere, superficial “kindness” that is often administered in society as a forced “front,” to mask deeper issues of pain; as a “show,” to appear confident and inspirational to others; or as the opposite face of underlying disdain. Often this “opposite face” is characteristic of “superficial acceptance,” or “Tolerant Intolerance,” that is rampant in our society when standing in judgment of others based upon the smaller self and misalignment of principle. We regularly “disapprove” of judgment as a matter of etiquette, but this does not imply that we have abandoned shallow judgment altogether. Our unwritten meme is to: “Love others face-to-face, but despise them in the sanctity of home.”
True compassion, courage, and judgment reveal Truth in existence. The essence of proper judgment and courage is that of reform and revolution, a constant evolution of personal refinement which is extended through Beauty of Living to all of society, thus the beauty of life is identified and preserved through the productive change of Total Prosperity.
People seem to misinterpret a candid presentation of Truth for shallow judgment, particularly if it exposes something within themselves that they do not wish to see or embrace at the moment. Further, this revelation of Reality exposes a responsibility for accountability that many would prefer to ignore. Exercising Right Judgment, however, for the welfare of all of us, particularly if the actions of others are directly affecting the rest of us in a destructive manner, is different from excluding anyone based upon personal preference, bias, or belief. Shallow judgment lacks understanding; Right Judgment embraces understanding and the welfare of all life, and through Love and Courage reveals Right Living by the Principle of Universal Truth.
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