Just as food nourishes the physical body, Information nourishes the Mind. Love/Harmony nourishes the Spirit. Our modern society has done wonders for seeking information, and we have turned foods into artful endeavors and scientific disciplines, as well. We seem, however, to have lost hold of the concept that in balancing the nourishment of Body, Mind, and Spirit in order to be a Wise person of Love, Peace, and Justice, it is crucial to be of the most organic and pure alignment of consciousness. Further, neglecting essential elements required for a well-rounded and healthy existence is inherently self-defeating. This societal trend—this pandemic of our species—needs to stop if we truly wish to attain global, holistic Peace.
Just as eating foods that are not chemically treated, preserved, irradiated, enhanced, or over-bred into unnatural forms is best for your body, it is also important to “ingest” the purest and most organic forms of Information and Unconditional Love. These, in Nature, are manifestations of Truth. It is by and within this very Principle of Truth that we find the most balanced and nutritious diets for the Triad, thus enabling us to integrate each aspect of ourselves as a system of checks-and-balances.
Our personal faith (faith in oneself) and Will are the driving forces of seeking personal refinement, but it is only against the “carpenter’s level” of the Natural world that we can find the pure and true form of Principle that applies to all beings of Nature, and that will allow us to reach the pinnacle of Enlightenment and Right Living, thus, facilitating holistic Peace.
Aligned to the Manmade world of subjective ideas, values, rules, fears, and morals, however, the Principle of personal refinement is diluted and artificial, at best: a subjective interpretation of Truth, but not Truth itself. Much of the Spiritual aspect in our lives becomes suppressed, if not entirely lost or ignored, by following this paradigm, and the Mental aspect is touted as the highest aspiration. Peak physical genetics, strength, and flexibility take a runner-up position in priority, as the Mind is the commodity most prized for the “technical and ethical advancement of a virtuous and productive society.”
Clearly this is not a viable prospect for our species, or for any other on this planet. Because of our deficiencies in the aspects of Spirit and our lack of alignment to True Principle, we have become a literal cancer upon this planet, killing thousands of our sibling species per year while parasitizing our Earth, poisoning and denuding the environment, and blanketing the lands with tumorous cities and asphalt roads.
Food is the ruling element of life and death. All living beings must eat, and we are directly sustained by food, then, when we die, we become food for food. Organic food creates healthy tissue, productive energy, and promotes excellent health, function, and vitality. We are only as healthy and real as the food we eat, and when it is tampered-with and tainted in so many ways, including synthesis, chemical injection, massive and cruel slaughter, and harvesting with no reverence, then we also pay a price beyond the financial cost.
Information can also come in many forms, whether it is the junk-food form of comic books, tabloids, or sitcoms or the more “grocery store” forms of book-store collections and public libraries. The most organic form of information comes as the Truth of information gleaned from experience of the world that created us, simple interaction with and observations of the cycles and laws of Nature as every day living. But we have slowly let our sense of Wonder of the amazing elements and mysteries of Nature become overshadowed by our Curiosity of figuring out how it all works, and why, and then how we can exploit it.
Our inherent Awareness, derived of a proper synergy of our physical senses that form our extended, Spiritual perceptions, has been snuffed in favor of our Comprehension of technical concepts and the language of Science that is Spiritually detached from the Natural world. Our extension of Awareness of our inherent Physical, Mental, and Spiritual connections is considered to be a deterrent to our growing Inspiration of technical luxury and convenience. Now our Spirits are thirsty for the Communion with all other beings, yet our brains have allowed us to nurture Intellect out of balance. We have glorified muscular growth and physical flexibility and fitness, along with Intellect and Reason, through physical Work and Logic, but Communion, Equanimity, and Intuition are falling by the ancient wayside as we perpetuate blind faith in believing that our alignment of Principle to that of the manufactured world is Truth and Justice.
Our instincts, our basic needs that drive us, are being neglected Spiritually, and only met in a superficial way Mentally and Physically, thus, we are evolving against an artificial existence of contrived Principle that does not work globally for all life. Compassion, instead of being applied to all life on this planet, has been leashed to only the human species and a handful of “non-advanced” species that are endangered, threatened, or dear to humans as pets or commodities, such as livestock, puppies, and honey-bees. But it is not a true Compassion, but rather an idealistic favoritism, and our Spiritual Integrity is in a serious state of jeopardy. This contorted concept of “saving ourselves in spite of the repercussions to all others,” is indicative of a severe deficiency and misalignment of a large portion of the Spiritual column in the attached chart.
Now we give superficial and shallow meanings to the concepts of Love, Awareness, Conscience, Principle, Compassion, Justice, and we convince ourselves that we are truly following these guidelines, living virtuous lives, yet we all feel the Wonder that has turned into longing for our Spiritual deprivations. Thus, we have idolized the Mind, creating diversions and distractions, false glories of Intellectual Achievement at the expense of our True purpose and place in the Real world. And when we fall short of these romanticized ideals, we then numb our feelings of failure, misery, stress, worthlessness, and hopelessness with drugs, alcohol, depravity, and other addictions, including smoking, shopping, eating, and indulging in mindless hobbies or activities that in no way contribute to personal refinement of the Triad.
True Peace, Wisdom, and Unconditional Love can only be achieved holistically, for the welfare of ALL species and natural systems. This can only be accomplished through alignment with the Principle of Truth, which is the Natural World.
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