If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Drop the Addiction!

It’s almost as though people don’t want to give up the addiction of life. We know that we have traits sometimes that are less than virtuous, and we’ll even admit, humorously, that we know of these traits, but we don’t actually seek to shed them. People cling to things like emotions almost as if they’re hits of some drug, whether enjoyable or miserable because it is an impacting sensation that our deprived spirits need, almost like a jump-start. We love to hate, we love seeing friction, we love to love, we love to laugh at people, we love to cry, and even if we hate any of those things, we love to hate them. The modern life is full of addictions, but addictions can be dropped, just like any habit. We can choose to stop indulging. It’s not easy, but it is very viable, and it is quite refreshing.

We let ourselves become lulled by conveniences that money can buy, like washing machines, vehicles, telephones, and refrigerators. As we adopt these conveniences, we lose a valuable connection to the Real flow of life, to the reality of accountability of existing in the Real world. If I don’t have to be attentive to my life at every moment because I have “convenient technologies” to take up the slack or to make life “easier,” then I can find other distractions to fill the void in my existence, and I thus lose an essential element of being part of everything. Understanding Truth and one’s true place and purpose means literally being part of the experience all the way. It’s a complete investment in BEING.

If we can finally decide—because it really comes down to a personal decision—to drop these addictions and habits of experiencing the shallower aspects of life and ourselves, then we can empty our proverbial cups and let new things happen. It is not viable to learn about being part of the Whole before experiencing it. It’s like the difference between understanding birth buy studying books and watching births, and then never giving birth first-hand. You can “get” Oneness and then experience it. You need to experience it in order to “get” it. This is why I can’t stress enough to not believe anything you are taught or that you read by any teachers, gurus, wisemen or wisewomen, or any other authority, elder, or prophet because you have to experience Truth in order to understand what it really means.

We become so oppressed by the world into which we are raised and molded, that we accept it and defend it fiercely because we don't even know how to escape it. It's the only "reality" we know, and when anyone challenges it, we get very upset because it quakes our entire idea of our place and purpose. In fact, even those who claim to "know" Reality are typically part of this Matrix and only teach how to better assimilate to a sick society rather than seek our true place and purpose in Reality, because even they don't know what Reality is.

This concept of life most people have is an addiction. People thrive on the acid hits of emotional ups and downs, of massively brain-numbing stimulation of video games, movies, rock concerts, etc, etc, and the rut of going from birth to school to job,family, home, retirement until they lie on their death-bed and reflect with some romanticized notion that they, "had a good life." It's not as good as they want to convince themselves, but it fills the void with distractions, and it's all they have. Some folks can drop the addiction, and some folks need an intervention, and some folks will simply spiral to destruction, but we do have the right to make sure they don't bring us down with them.

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