If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

Finding Peace IV

If the world is physically sick, if there are pollutants in the waters and air, if the trees that give us life are being eliminated, then I will ultimately feel the physical ramifications with physical debt and, eventually, death. If the world is out of sorts with disagreement and segregation and no “meeting of mind” as a Whole, then I will also feel the disease of general misunderstanding as a result of varying belief-systems instead of agreement derived from the frame of reference of Natural law. In other words, if Natural law says that we should be Caretakers, yet we choose to be Takers, then my mind will not be able to rest at ease until this situation is resolved in a way that makes sense for the benefit of all beings. If the world is causing suffering and lives being governed by fears, greed, depravity, power, and emotion, then I will feel the ripples of this spiritual deprivation, and my own spirit, as part of the Whole, will be ill at ease. We do need to maintain the balance of our personal Triad, but we need to accept our inherent responsibility to use this to uphold the balance of the planetary Triad, lest we lose the sanctity of the planet that is our very means of survival. Existence is cyclical. If we continue to mutate ourselves away from natural existence, particularly in a linear fashion of Takers in spite of the future, then we continue to ignore Reality, thus shielding ourselves with selfish bubbles of ignorance and indifference that spurn accountability.

If our own species is destroying the planet, then we are accountable to stop our species from destroying the planet. Non-action or indifference can often be misconstrued as peace, while it is actually fear, ignorance, selfishness, or all three. This is spiritual folly, cloaked with peace while there is no action toward resolution. Passive protest is action toward resolution, but the participants need to be ready to carry it as far as it needs to go. Since peace is active and can only exist through constant, productive resolution of conflict, any non-action is not peaceful. Resolution of conflict does not imply violence and aggression, either. It simply means an attempt at bringing conflict to a productive or non-destructive completion. In obtaining peace, the reality is that beings will die, yet it has to be by their own will. In fact, obtaining peace for the existence of the planet means that we need to find a viable balance in our population-to-environment ratio. You can choose to stop thrashing in the water so you do not drown, or you can choose to thrash and drown, but you cannot hold the water accountable for your decision. Doing nothing to stop the destruction being done to the planet means we are as spiritually culpable as those that are doing the destruction. If we do not try to stop it, if we simply accept that it happens and live around it or in spite of it, hoping for the best, then we may as well accept that we are not only part of the problem, but that we are enabling the problem. I will not be part of the destruction by choice.

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