If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.

Sunday, May 03, 2009

I've Lost Myself . . . So Here I Am!!

Being truly happy means letting go of all of those things that MAKE us happy, and just simply allowing ourselves to BE happy.

I don’t need to buy the things that I need to live on this Earth because I can find them in Nature, directly from the Great Spirit.
I do not need to contribute to modern methods of damaging the Earth and treating living beings as commodities because I can listen to Nature and exist within. I am free from the restrictions and nurtured drives of money.
In Nature, I am endlessly entertained and in awe of the work of the Great Spirit, and I am constantly seeking perfection in everything I do. I am not tethered to fabricated and spiritually deprived distractions of the mind.
In Nature I am forever grateful in a circular manner, always aware of all that exists because I live in a moving meditation of gratitude for all things of the Creator. I do not need rituals, religions, and doctrines to schedule gratitude.
My whole Self functions as a tool for Creation, thus elimination my perceived self. I am never lonely and I am never alone.
I emulate the twisting grapevine, the pouncing leopard, the spinning cyclone, the undulating waves, and I am a constant reflection of the Universe because the Universe exists in all things of ever-changing Nature.
My teachers are the cycles of Nature, and my heroes are the beings that live and forget; exist without desire but with only pure purpose so that we all may share this experience in harmony.
I am not a person anymore, but I am a vibration in Human form. I have been all things, and I will forever be all things because death is not an ending but a transition. In our existence, there is nothing to be tied to that will not be with us forever. There is no material loss, no emotional tether, no legacy, no ownership of any thing or concept. What works for all beings works for me, and I am NOT more important than or above what sustains me.
Nature is not found in building and books, it is not found in manmade constructs, it is Universal Truth that always has been and always will be.

When we free ourselves from dependency upon artificial life and perceived needs and desires, then we see that all of the things we found so important no longer have power over us. We can choose to release what makes us sad or happy and we can embrace true peace. Even when we are happy and content in the fabricated world, we are always afraid that we will lose it, that we must preserve it, that we may become sad again, and this is a demon of fear that must be crushed by the Sword of Truth.
What we do not own, we cannot lose.
What we truly love will stay with us forever.
If we banish fear, we raise ourselves above the demons of hatred and deceit, ulterior motive and malevolence. We raise ourselves from the nagging tether of finding happiness, satiation, of feeling loss, of mourning death, of fearing death. We lose the false parameters that define the smaller self, and we hatch from the fabricated cocoon but not as a mere butterfly, yet as the essence of the vibrations of color, sound, and presence. That is the death of self. This is when physical death is a birth-out, not an ending.

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