If you're not working at doing nothing, then you are so not understanding the flow of Nature. In fact, you become the antithesis of that flow. The more we spin from the center of natural flow, the tighter our tether stretches, and we will be drawn back to nothingness by living rightly, or it will snap and we will extinguish ourselves. There is no “solution;” it’s a myth.
Saturday, July 04, 2009
The Human Decision
Humans have the capacity to change. Humans have the capability to gain knowledge, to use intuitive judgment based upon True Principle (different from contrived principle), and to live according to this Principle in a real way that benefits all. This is Wisdom...
Truth Does Not Come From Within: It Flows Throughout
The problem is that most humans have been nurtured away from seeing it. Further, "would-be" spiritualists convince folks that it is "mystical" and that it means forsaking part of the self--especially the physical self--in order to reach "enlightenment," which typically turns out to be less enlightenment and more denial.
But it's all very simple, actually. Let's get your inherent compass to point to True North.
But it's all very simple, actually. Let's get your inherent compass to point to True North.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
The "Faces" of Judgment
Aratama: Control of the Spirit
Judgment is crucial when properly aligned with universal law or principle. This is True or Right Judgment.
Judgment is shown in economy of action and in the wisdom based upon properly aligned principle. A person of Right Judgment is a person of sensibility, possessing courage and wisdom of morality...
Judgment is crucial when properly aligned with universal law or principle. This is True or Right Judgment.
Judgment is shown in economy of action and in the wisdom based upon properly aligned principle. A person of Right Judgment is a person of sensibility, possessing courage and wisdom of morality...
Monday, June 22, 2009
Triad Chart

Just as food nourishes the physical body, Information nourishes the Mind. Love/Harmony nourishes the Spirit. Our modern society has done wonders for seeking information, and we have turned foods into artful endeavors and scientific disciplines, as well. We seem, however, to have lost hold of the concept that in balancing the nourishment of Body, Mind, and Spirit in order to be a Wise person of Love, Peace, and Justice, it is crucial to be of the most organic and pure alignment of consciousness. Further, neglecting essential elements required for a well-rounded and healthy existence is inherently self-defeating. This societal trend—this pandemic of our species—needs to stop if we truly wish to attain global, holistic Peace.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Some Truth about Truth: Part 1
According to the logic of many so-called “spiritually aware” and religious folks out there, being connected to Spirit is something accomplished by having an understanding of God, of Divine Will, that we possess Divinity within us, or that we are becoming more spiritually aware as a species supposedly progressive in understanding quantum mechanics, transcendental theory, worldwide belief systems, and the fact that we are all bound by an eternal and infinite energy.
What this implies then, is
What this implies then, is
Some Truth about Truth: Part II
A flower does not go off from Nature and try to find its place and purpose through texts and self-discovery courses. Neither does a deer, nor a mouse, nor a beetle. These are all manifestations of God, direct embodiments of the Great Spirit, our brothers and sisters, literally. They are already playing out their Original Instructions. They are already in the Now, enlightened by not even knowing what enlightenment is. They are One with the Whole. How can we be so stupid and selfish to not see this? Why are we so obsessed with outthinking Reality? Learn from them, those who are already there, those who are clearly superior in their ability to connect with God, directly, to just BE.
My Mom
I can always go to my mother when I need to feel comforted, when I need to have someone accept me and dissolve my frustrations.
My mom always listens to me, but with her heart, and I never feel judged.
She always feels the need to feed me. My mom perpetually has something out for me to eat and drink. That’s one of the best things about how moms nurture us, with the validation of care and attention, especially when I am not fighting with my brothers and sisters or stealing their toys.
One of the most soothing things about my mom is her voice. When she speaks, it’s like having my spirit lifted into the Universe.
And my mom has the most amazing stories to tell from eons past. She is very Wise.
My mom is beautiful, and when the Great Spirit made her, she was so lovely that I think It made all moms beautiful like her.
My mom lets me know that I have purpose, that I am never alone and always loved. She sets an example for me, trying to be loving and caring to everyone, all of my brothers and sisters.
I wish everybody loved my mom as much.
She is Earth.
My mom always listens to me, but with her heart, and I never feel judged.
She always feels the need to feed me. My mom perpetually has something out for me to eat and drink. That’s one of the best things about how moms nurture us, with the validation of care and attention, especially when I am not fighting with my brothers and sisters or stealing their toys.
One of the most soothing things about my mom is her voice. When she speaks, it’s like having my spirit lifted into the Universe.
And my mom has the most amazing stories to tell from eons past. She is very Wise.
My mom is beautiful, and when the Great Spirit made her, she was so lovely that I think It made all moms beautiful like her.
My mom lets me know that I have purpose, that I am never alone and always loved. She sets an example for me, trying to be loving and caring to everyone, all of my brothers and sisters.
I wish everybody loved my mom as much.
She is Earth.

The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part I
When I go into the wild, into Reality, to gather food, it is with reverence and respect. Life is not a commodity. It is not to be taken without an honorable reciprocation of some kind. This process of taking from Nature, to me, implies an immense amount of gratitude and a depth of investment not for my own welfare, but for the welfare of our future generations, for if I take for myself with no regard for the future, then I steal from our progeny, and I disgrace the purpose of my existence within the flow of the predetermined cycles of Nature.
The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part II
The plants I have taken are also told that I mean no disrespect, and that I am grateful that they will become part of my own body, that we will merge physically and spiritually, and that I honor the greatest gift of life that they are allowing me to take.
In my actions of living, I must always be reciprocating so that there is either no net loss on either side, or so that I leave Nature with the net gain. This is honoring the Creator. This is respect, and it is balance.
In my actions of living, I must always be reciprocating so that there is either no net loss on either side, or so that I leave Nature with the net gain. This is honoring the Creator. This is respect, and it is balance.
The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part III
event of a system that is more like a machine than a personal connection to Reality. Now we live in spite of Nature. As our population grows, we will begin to find that we have differing belief systems from others, and we will push each other into smaller spaces, competing for food and now for the new god of money. Eugenics begins to take over so that those with more money live better in spite of their physical weaknesses, while those with less money have less and suffer. Subcultures will develop, and there will be war internally between cities or clans. As international travel increases, more dissension will ensue globally, and nations will seek power by jockeying for positions, using people to annihilate each other with violence and hatred for a common cause relative to each nation, that is used to extort our natural tendency for cooperation, so that we are lulled by a pseudo-patriotism, a propagandist brotherhood, and our weapons will be increasingly technological so that we can kill more people, eliminate more land from greater distances and with less effort.
The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part IV
. . . have developed within the artificial world. Now, I don’t even need to touch Nature at all. I can go from my house to my driveway to my car to a parking lot to an office building and I can negotiate city streets and subways to get my needs met. Nature is alien to me, now. I justify my blasphemy by blaming Nature for being too harsh, too hard, too cruel, and I actually call Natural cycles “natural disasters” when they cost my society money. I can even call all of my inventions “natural” by some contrived loophole since the synthesized materials I gathered actually came “from Nature” technically in their unadulterated form. But this is naïve and selfish. This is the mind of the destructive, the demons.
The Fallacy of Spiritual Technology: Part V
My gift of free will has been biased by fear, and I am the disease upon the planet. But not everyone is this way. There are many who wish to return to the Real world, to connect to spirit.
Technology creates complacency, ease of living that undermines the purpose of the hard work it should actually take to experience life, to maintain health and balance in Reality. This was living. Life in the ancient cultures was Law, and Law was Life. The honor and dignity of hard work created a sense of pride, tempered with the humility of accountability. It was a matter of seeking perfection in all that we do, whether making a beautiful pair of moccasins or cleaning the latrines. Technology allows us to cater to our fears, discomforts, shortcomings, and desires. It facilitates selfishness. Spirit cannot flourish when we are inhabited and inhibited by selfishness, fear, and desire. Spirit is not about money, possessions, or personal gain. Never has been, never will be. Technology does not bridge us to the spiritual. Technology directly opposes it, creates a rift of dependency and numbness, instead. It causes harm to the environment, ecosystems, and other species. This is fact. Our overpopulation is a testament to this entire document. We are destructive right now.
Technology creates complacency, ease of living that undermines the purpose of the hard work it should actually take to experience life, to maintain health and balance in Reality. This was living. Life in the ancient cultures was Law, and Law was Life. The honor and dignity of hard work created a sense of pride, tempered with the humility of accountability. It was a matter of seeking perfection in all that we do, whether making a beautiful pair of moccasins or cleaning the latrines. Technology allows us to cater to our fears, discomforts, shortcomings, and desires. It facilitates selfishness. Spirit cannot flourish when we are inhabited and inhibited by selfishness, fear, and desire. Spirit is not about money, possessions, or personal gain. Never has been, never will be. Technology does not bridge us to the spiritual. Technology directly opposes it, creates a rift of dependency and numbness, instead. It causes harm to the environment, ecosystems, and other species. This is fact. Our overpopulation is a testament to this entire document. We are destructive right now.
The Middle of Now
Darkness exists in the absence of light, but darkness is the absence; it is the default. Light is energy that fills the darkness. Cold is the absence of heat; heat is energy that fills the coldness. Silence is the absence of sound. Death is the absence of life.
The Earth pulls us to her. Life pushes away from her. Trees and plants sprout and push away, reaching toward the sun. The roots and the ground are the Unity of body. The leaves and the Sun are the Unity of energy. The pull is the female entity, the push, the male. The place between the darkness and light, the push and pull, the heat and cold, the stillness and vibration is Unity. There is a resonance of harmony as the twilight of extremes; this is where unconditional love is found.
The Earth pulls us to her. Life pushes away from her. Trees and plants sprout and push away, reaching toward the sun. The roots and the ground are the Unity of body. The leaves and the Sun are the Unity of energy. The pull is the female entity, the push, the male. The place between the darkness and light, the push and pull, the heat and cold, the stillness and vibration is Unity. There is a resonance of harmony as the twilight of extremes; this is where unconditional love is found.
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
Truth of Unconditional Love
The Great Spirit expresses Unconditional Love in three ways:
1. Unity of “opposites.” The logical course of cause and effect, yin and yang, life and death. This is the Original Instructions.
2. Through the physical manifestation and movements of these processes that abide by Natural Law of Original Instructions.
1. Unity of “opposites.” The logical course of cause and effect, yin and yang, life and death. This is the Original Instructions.
2. Through the physical manifestation and movements of these processes that abide by Natural Law of Original Instructions.
Sunday, May 03, 2009
Drop the Addiction!
It’s almost as though people don’t want to give up the addiction of life. We know that we have traits sometimes that are less than virtuous, and we’ll even admit, humorously, that we know of these traits, but we don’t actually seek to shed them. People cling to things like emotions almost as if they’re hits of some drug, whether enjoyable or miserable because it is an impacting sensation that our deprived spirits need, almost like a jump-start. We love to hate, we love seeing friction, we love to love, we love to laugh at people, we love to cry, and even if we hate any of those things, we love to hate them. The modern life is full of addictions, but addictions can be dropped, just like any habit. We can choose to stop indulging. It’s not easy, but it is very viable, and it is quite refreshing.
I've Lost Myself . . . So Here I Am!!
Being truly happy means letting go of all of those things that MAKE us happy, and just simply allowing ourselves to BE happy.
I don’t need to buy the things that I need to live on this Earth because I can find them in Nature, directly from the Great Spirit.
I do not need to contribute to modern methods of damaging the Earth and treating living beings as commodities because I can listen to Nature and exist within. I am free from the restrictions and nurtured drives of money.
I don’t need to buy the things that I need to live on this Earth because I can find them in Nature, directly from the Great Spirit.
I do not need to contribute to modern methods of damaging the Earth and treating living beings as commodities because I can listen to Nature and exist within. I am free from the restrictions and nurtured drives of money.
Mob Mentallity
We are social beings now, but our interests changed our motives. Several thousands of years ago, when we lived more like our primate cousins, we were creatures that interacted socially for breeding and for protection. It made sense to function as groups that could have more eyes to see stalking predators, but also to form physiological bonds with one another in order to make procreation successful. We are a species that emulates our parents and elders in order to establish a pecking order so that we may fulfill our inherent roles in the group, but also so that we understand some common rules of conduct within our group. This form of group-loyalty kept us closely knit so that we were family oriented and fiercely protective, which meant that our actions for survival and protection of our young were self-serving to a degree of maintaining our bloodlines.
Travelling Up a Mountain
When we begin life, we utilize very basic movements of mind, body, and philosophy to enable us to function. This is not new information to you. Our verbal language must develop through a progression of steps, at first learning the structure of letters, then the combinations to form words, then to coordinating the words to express thoughts. Further, the structure of our thoughts is growing similarly through nurturing, believing, observing cultural norms and taboos, listening to our parents and teachers, and understanding the framework of society. As our information grows, we can manipulate more abstract concepts, eventually even allowing us to extract ourselves from the parameters of conventional thought.
Finding Peace I
We are made of Earth. We are literally constructed of elements that come from the planet, thus, from the Universe. We are that which makes us. Energy that exists in the Universe exists in us. Consciousness that exists in the Universe exists in us. The progressive processes that occur on the Earth, the order that comes of chaos, the evolution of cycles, exist in us. We live, think, sense, grow, and function as a reflection of the predetermined cycles that surround us, holding a place of our own in the Universe, the very Universe that is reflected within us at the same time.
Finding Peace II
If I have a broken leg, then my body is not in balance. If my body is out of balance, then I am not at peace. There is something out of sorts, something not as it should be. I can be mentally centered, and I can be spiritually centered, but I am not physically centered with a broken leg. That disturbance compromises my personal peace, and my body must resolve the conflict of the injury and healing in order to attain peacefulness again. If my logical mind does not understand something, cannot grasp a concept that is crucial to my well being, then it will not be at ease until that concept is grasped. I can still be physically centered and healthy, spiritually centered and healthy, but I will not be mentally at peace, so my Triad is not in balance. I cannot be truly peaceful until
Finding Peace III
When we acknowledge our inherent connection to all things, then we also experience the reality of all things. We experience what affects the Whole. When we accept that we depend upon the Earth for our survival and that we are integral and inexorably connected, then we begin to see that taking care of the Earth, in spite of our wants but in respect for our needs, is beneficial to all beings. As natural beings, protecting Nature so that all of Nature prospers means automatically protecting our progeny. This is preservation. This is the natural
Finding Peace IV
If the world is physically sick, if there are pollutants in the waters and air, if the trees that give us life are being eliminated, then I will ultimately feel the physical ramifications with physical debt and, eventually, death. If the world is out of sorts with disagreement and segregation and no “meeting of mind” as a Whole, then I will also feel the disease of general misunderstanding as a result of varying belief-systems instead of agreement derived from the frame of reference of Natural law. In other words, if Natural law says that we should be Caretakers, yet we choose to be Takers, then
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Perception and Reality
When a tree falls in the woods, does it make a sound? Of course, I’ve addressed this before, but it’s worth revisiting because it says something about how we exist, as well as our true purpose. A tree falling does not make a sound, but it causes vibrations in the air. A sound occurs when there is a receiver that translates the vibrations. We hear a sound because our ear-structure is affected by vibrations. Sound is a complete process; it does not occur prior to reaching our tympanum, but is the result interpreted afterward, instead. It is the same with all of our physical senses. Sight is not accomplished without eyes to interpret light reflections and refractions. The light is a vibration, and the eyes perceive the vibrations, turning them into sight. Our senses function as part of a process.
A television set
A television set
Saturday, March 21, 2009
This is actually one of my favorite anecdotes regarding evolution:
"An example of evolution resulting from natural selection was discovered among "peppered" moths living near English industrial cities. These insects have varieties that vary in wing and body coloration from light to dark. During the 19th century, sooty smoke from coal burning furnaces killed the lichen on trees and darkened the bark. When moths landed on these trees and other blackened surfaces, the dark colored ones were harder to spot by birds who ate them and, subsequently, they more often lived long enough to reproduce. Over generations, the environment continued to favor darker moths. As a result, they progressively became more common. By 1895, 98% of the moths in the vicinity of English cities like Manchester were mostly black. Since the 1950's, air pollution controls have significantly reduced the amount of heavy particulate air pollutants reaching the trees, buildings, and other objects in the environment. As a result, lichen has grown back, making trees lighter in color. In addition,
"An example of evolution resulting from natural selection was discovered among "peppered" moths living near English industrial cities. These insects have varieties that vary in wing and body coloration from light to dark. During the 19th century, sooty smoke from coal burning furnaces killed the lichen on trees and darkened the bark. When moths landed on these trees and other blackened surfaces, the dark colored ones were harder to spot by birds who ate them and, subsequently, they more often lived long enough to reproduce. Over generations, the environment continued to favor darker moths. As a result, they progressively became more common. By 1895, 98% of the moths in the vicinity of English cities like Manchester were mostly black. Since the 1950's, air pollution controls have significantly reduced the amount of heavy particulate air pollutants reaching the trees, buildings, and other objects in the environment. As a result, lichen has grown back, making trees lighter in color. In addition,
Thursday, March 19, 2009
Experiencing Nature
I've killed lots of people. I ran a guy through a wood-chipper once, and I relished every second of the event. I froze one person to the point of his insanity-driven necrophilia and ultimate demise. I've even grown a tree with a man inside. I've committed the most heinous of offenses, and I savor the administration of mental torture through the omnipotent puppetry of my work. That is the horror-fiction writer side of me.
But I also read textbooks for fun. A fan of MacGyver and a student of primitive survival skills, as well as an accomplished martial artist, I thrive upon knowledge and pragmatism. I crave detail and resolution of both the minute and the massive.
But I also read textbooks for fun. A fan of MacGyver and a student of primitive survival skills, as well as an accomplished martial artist, I thrive upon knowledge and pragmatism. I crave detail and resolution of both the minute and the massive.
Intuition, and Time the Killer
In the real world, the natural world, one begins to lose touch with the calculated bridle of secular time in what often takes only one setting and rising of the sun. This adjustment can be an uncomfortable feeling, at first—a proverbial culture shock--for anyone who has strictly succumbed to the adherence of schedule and routine in the modern world to the point of depending upon time-pieces in order to function, in order to feel as though one has place, purpose, and occupation. Without measured time, the modern human often feels lost, bored, and lacking positive or productive progression. This is called a rut, a conditioned, psychological dependency and sickness.
You Don't Even Walk Like a Human . . . or Do You?
Here’s an example of taking things to nature. There is something to be said about how much we’ve disconnected ourselves from the real world when one considers the extent to which we’ve even forgotten how to walk. Nobody walks correctly anymore, and we generally face an inevitable fate of joint problems, from the ankles upward, even through the spine to the base of the skull, particularly if one does a harder form of motivation, such as running or other high-impact sports.
In the old days, before cars, Nikes, and sidewalks, natives had been
In the old days, before cars, Nikes, and sidewalks, natives had been
Sunday, March 15, 2009
Make your own reality in three easy payments of $29.99! Seriously?
Reality exists in the form of Nature. There is no end or beginning of reality. We do not create our own reality; we simply process stimuli based upon former experiences and sensory perceptions, and even now, we utilize artificial tools to help us interpret increasingly smaller parts of reality, which respond in a manner that our limited physical world cannot comprehend. Our experiences are based upon our interpretations of reality. We use restricted parameters of language to define, discern, and categorize our interpretations. “Blue,” for example, is a color in the spectrum of natural light. It is absorbed by certain elements, and is thus translated by our eyes as a particular frequency of light. But “blue” does not exist
Thursday, March 12, 2009
Forgiveness and Revenge
To err is human, but to forgive . . . well, is also human. It’s interesting because forgiveness and revenge are human concepts, as are good and bad. They do not exist in the natural, real world. I find it extremely difficult to believe that there are humans that would willingly “forgive” anyone who shot their child in the head, kicked their dog, raped their sister, or any number of despicable things that humans do based upon way out of balance emotions. If we were a forgiving species, we wouldn’t have created prisons, guillotines, law-suits, weapons, and tactics of destruction. What right do we have to forgive anyone anything anyway? Consider this: a person bulldozes twenty acres of land, wiping out entire ecosystems and killing thousands of creatures. Or a group terrorizes and murders villages of families with infants notwithstanding. Do we forgive? Well, in a sense, yes, but not the way secular society believes, particularly not with the “turn the other cheek” mentality. Turning the other cheek was not a way of saying, “You slapped me, but I am going to turn away, forgive what you’ve done, and let it all go.” That would be ludicrous. It would make us indifferent doormats to be used and abused by those with no honor, respect, pride, and integrity. The message was, “You have slapped me, and this is disgraceful, but I am going to give you an opportunity to rethink this action, and we can either come to a resolution peacefully, or you can slap me again, and I will take you down, because I’m not to be disrespected and abused.”
Forgiveness and Revenge: Part 2
Human forgiveness means that we've qualified something with a value relative to our perspective in order to make its being compromised forgivable. We must decide, therefore, whether we can allow ourselves to move beyond a point of anger and retribution or revenge toward another, based upon the loss we’ve incurred via the actions of another, relative upon this concept. This is one of the reasons that any retribution based upon morals and ethics or values—whether cultural or personal—that are subjective cannot work globally or universally. Ethics, morals, and justice cannot be subjective.
What’s interesting, too, is that loss incurred means
What’s interesting, too, is that loss incurred means
Thursday, February 26, 2009
Listening to the Universe
Someone said to me, “Saving the dominant species means that the world would be saved,” or something to that effect. Obviously, humans are not the dominant species in the natural world. We are a prevalent species, but we are far from dominant in reality, if for no other reason than that we’ve removed ourselves from the natural role we once occupied. As a species that has chosen to diametrically oppose its Original Instructions, we have become a cancer. If we are to look at “dominant” in the context of being oppressive, abusive, and destructive, then, perhaps yes, we are dominant. But dominion doesn’t necessarily imply oppression, at least not in its purest form. “Dominion” represents being an overseer, a Caretaker. A gardener has dominion over her garden, but she does not rule by oppression; she oversees and protects and cares for the garden, for it is her well-being. We are far from being Caretakers any longer, yet we are dominant in destructive force.
We speak to the Universe in our actions and in our intentions. When an action occurs, there are ripples that emanate from the source of the action, and there are effects that occur, each one with its own ripples, and so on. There is a mesh overlay of ripples in a fabric of occurrences that happen constantly throughout existence. The more things that happen, the more disturbances that are caused, but now these natural rhythms (which are typically harmonic in the established reality of nature) are also impacted by the actions in the fabricated world of man, similar to a discordant sound interrupting a pristine symphony. Further, man’s senses are dulled within the artificial existence, and his awareness of the natural rhythms is consistently numbed. Human de-evolution or mutation is manifesting as physical detachment from reality or nature. Things occur always, but we have become so accustomed and/or numbed to those ripples that we are drowning in stimuli, and we choose to escape into our own interpretations of reality instead of living in a dual perspective of the physical and spiritual in order to discern and escape from the artificial influences, which would reveal reality. This is where the Medium or Channel would find peak potential, but this can only be accomplished by realizing that the artificial world violates natural law, which is a contradiction to reality, thus, a deterrent to spiritual awareness. In order to see reality in its purest manifestation of truth, we must abandon subjective values of society, lose our self-awareness as defined by those values, and be part of the natural world entirely, living by only the fairness of give and take without artificial influence. This is how we see pure truth and purpose.
When we function, the Universe responds. There are no accidents in the Universe, but only to humans. An accident is the undesired or unintentional result of an action we put forth. To us, when something occurs that we do not plan or did not intend to happen, we interpret it as an accident. To the Universe, actions have affects that elicit effects and often fairly predictable results. Chaos and Order happen, but there is a rhythm (unconditional love/productivity) to their dynamic. One thing causes another to happen. Our existence should be utilized as an enormous opportunity to learn how to find balance and purpose in reality. The Universe will continue to exist and function whether we do or not, but our stay on this planet can either be destructive and parasitic, and quite limited at our own doing, or it could be productive and spiritually satiating. Regardless, we will end someday. Do we end as a failure, or do we end with honor?
Humans being removed from the natural world would not cause a breakdown of the web of life. Each species is a strand in the web that functions as a whole. We humans have eliminated strands, weakening the overall function of the whole. As we continue to eliminate strands, the integrity of the whole is compromised. Further, the supports upon which the web is constructed are being weakened as we denude landscapes, pollute air, waters, and land, and continue to expand and consume. If humans were eliminated, the web could further unravel due to cause and effect, or it could begin to be re-spun. We could choose to begin re-strengthening the support system of the web so that it could be rebuilt by time and natural processes, but instead we continue to expand, pollute, and parasitize. The web will fail, and so will we. The Universe responds to what we say, but we do not heed these things; the Universe speaks, we choose not to listen. When a tree falls in the forest, we see nothing more than a tree falling in the forest. But when a tree falls in the forest, and a person is sitting under the tree not paying attention, then we call it a “catastrophic event.” We build cities in earthquake- and tornado-zones, and when our houses are devastated by earthquakes and tornados, we call it a “natural disaster.” When we see HIV and cancer and other pandemics occur as a response to our overpopulation or in response to our tampering with ecosystems and biodiversity, we do not heed the warnings, we choose to fight against them so that we may continue to expand and parasitize. Effectively, humans believe that the Universe is wrong, and that we deserve to have relative immortality.
We are a “have your cake, and eat it, too,” species. We want to have the cake so that we may admire the decorations, and so that we may smell its sweetness and enjoy the anticipation of tasting it. We want to be spoiled with possessing such a thing, but we also choose to indulge and gluttonize, devouring the cake for lack of self-control or temperance, and because we believe there will always be more cake available—maybe not for the grandchildren, but at least for us now. Let them deal with it when they get here. (Which actually means that we will deal with it in another life to come, we just don’t accept that for now.) This is an unacceptable method of existing.
Saving the humans necessitates saving the Earth and all of her inherent systems first. Saving the planet does not necessitate saving the humans.
We speak to the Universe in our actions and in our intentions. When an action occurs, there are ripples that emanate from the source of the action, and there are effects that occur, each one with its own ripples, and so on. There is a mesh overlay of ripples in a fabric of occurrences that happen constantly throughout existence. The more things that happen, the more disturbances that are caused, but now these natural rhythms (which are typically harmonic in the established reality of nature) are also impacted by the actions in the fabricated world of man, similar to a discordant sound interrupting a pristine symphony. Further, man’s senses are dulled within the artificial existence, and his awareness of the natural rhythms is consistently numbed. Human de-evolution or mutation is manifesting as physical detachment from reality or nature. Things occur always, but we have become so accustomed and/or numbed to those ripples that we are drowning in stimuli, and we choose to escape into our own interpretations of reality instead of living in a dual perspective of the physical and spiritual in order to discern and escape from the artificial influences, which would reveal reality. This is where the Medium or Channel would find peak potential, but this can only be accomplished by realizing that the artificial world violates natural law, which is a contradiction to reality, thus, a deterrent to spiritual awareness. In order to see reality in its purest manifestation of truth, we must abandon subjective values of society, lose our self-awareness as defined by those values, and be part of the natural world entirely, living by only the fairness of give and take without artificial influence. This is how we see pure truth and purpose.
When we function, the Universe responds. There are no accidents in the Universe, but only to humans. An accident is the undesired or unintentional result of an action we put forth. To us, when something occurs that we do not plan or did not intend to happen, we interpret it as an accident. To the Universe, actions have affects that elicit effects and often fairly predictable results. Chaos and Order happen, but there is a rhythm (unconditional love/productivity) to their dynamic. One thing causes another to happen. Our existence should be utilized as an enormous opportunity to learn how to find balance and purpose in reality. The Universe will continue to exist and function whether we do or not, but our stay on this planet can either be destructive and parasitic, and quite limited at our own doing, or it could be productive and spiritually satiating. Regardless, we will end someday. Do we end as a failure, or do we end with honor?
Humans being removed from the natural world would not cause a breakdown of the web of life. Each species is a strand in the web that functions as a whole. We humans have eliminated strands, weakening the overall function of the whole. As we continue to eliminate strands, the integrity of the whole is compromised. Further, the supports upon which the web is constructed are being weakened as we denude landscapes, pollute air, waters, and land, and continue to expand and consume. If humans were eliminated, the web could further unravel due to cause and effect, or it could begin to be re-spun. We could choose to begin re-strengthening the support system of the web so that it could be rebuilt by time and natural processes, but instead we continue to expand, pollute, and parasitize. The web will fail, and so will we. The Universe responds to what we say, but we do not heed these things; the Universe speaks, we choose not to listen. When a tree falls in the forest, we see nothing more than a tree falling in the forest. But when a tree falls in the forest, and a person is sitting under the tree not paying attention, then we call it a “catastrophic event.” We build cities in earthquake- and tornado-zones, and when our houses are devastated by earthquakes and tornados, we call it a “natural disaster.” When we see HIV and cancer and other pandemics occur as a response to our overpopulation or in response to our tampering with ecosystems and biodiversity, we do not heed the warnings, we choose to fight against them so that we may continue to expand and parasitize. Effectively, humans believe that the Universe is wrong, and that we deserve to have relative immortality.
We are a “have your cake, and eat it, too,” species. We want to have the cake so that we may admire the decorations, and so that we may smell its sweetness and enjoy the anticipation of tasting it. We want to be spoiled with possessing such a thing, but we also choose to indulge and gluttonize, devouring the cake for lack of self-control or temperance, and because we believe there will always be more cake available—maybe not for the grandchildren, but at least for us now. Let them deal with it when they get here. (Which actually means that we will deal with it in another life to come, we just don’t accept that for now.) This is an unacceptable method of existing.
Saving the humans necessitates saving the Earth and all of her inherent systems first. Saving the planet does not necessitate saving the humans.
Sunday, February 08, 2009
Everything Happens for a Reason
"Everything happens for a reason." This platitude comes up frequently in our society, but it is used more as a casual, verbal sigh, utilized to shrug off an otherwise inconvenient event that doesn’t make sense in its occurrence, and which is usually attributed to Murphy’s Law. It is most often not submitted as a serious reminder of universal fate, as it is just something to say at a time when no other ready-made explanation fits some stroke of ill-fortune. Many people don’t believe that everything happens for a reason, at all. That, to me, is absurd, for everything certainly happens for a reason, because our existence is very much established by cause and effect. However, there is more to it than mere mechanics, but not too much more.
It is false that “good things happen to bad people,” and that “bad things happen to good people,” in the sense that the universe has some ulterior motive. The truth is that things happen. Further, things happen to people. That is fact. Our interpretation is subjective, regarding whether these things that happen are good or bad. Good and bad, however, do not exist in the natural world. There are light and dark, positive and negative, productive and destructive; these things are natural and real. One extreme cannot exist without the other. However, good and bad are human perceptions based upon our beliefs and preferences, not based upon universal truth. One person’s good is another person’s bad. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Things just happen. Assigning personal projections to the universe is selfish and outright absurd, but people do it all the time, and it causes tons and tons of trouble.
Things happen because of direct influences. Things also happen because of indirect and even roundabout influences. This is what the Butterfly Effect is all about. Regardless, a direct action would be represented by dropping a ball into a bucket. An indirect action would be represented by a Rube Goldberg machine that drops the same ball into the same bucket, but only after the ball travels through an extensive network of physical mechanisms, such as levers and springs. Life is a mixture of both types of influences. The confusing part arises when we don’t see the direct connection between things we do and the outcome. Things that happen to us for seemingly no reason are effects of random influences that, once put into motion, must resolve somewhere in the world, or even out in the universe. Life is a series of chaotic and ordered events, one always feeding the other, always working together. Everything happens for a reason. That’s just the way it works, whether we can see the reasons or not, and whether we like the reasons or not. But this is the one side of the issue.
Things happen as the causes of events, yes, but from the other side, we could say that there are other, non-physical influences that cause things to happen in order for us to take advantage of opportunities. Most often, these opportunities are lessons we can utilize to acknowledge something we previously ignored or something we didn’t see at all. These are opportunities to confront something we need to learn so that we may gain wisdom. It is entirely possible that our actions, being based upon personal fears and insecurities, and whatnot, are influencing our surroundings. This is fair since we do as we believe; action follows thought. This is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy, as well. In this motion, there will be repercussions of our actions, whether our actions are conscious, subconscious, or unconscious is hardly relevant, as we are still driven by our beliefs, desires, fears, and emotions. Logically, the ramifications of our actions can create circumstances that affect us in a way that we must confront these shortcomings that drive the entire process in the first place. Further, other beings can, and often will, be affected by our actions. They may be affected because their own actions put them in that place for a reason, or because they were randomly affected by the course of chaos. However, just because something happens to someone for seemingly no reason at all, certainly does not mean that it actually had no reason. Sometimes, as beings that share a common existence on a common, planetary organism, things happen to us because we are integral elements for the process of someone else’s lesson to be accomplished. This is another reason that global unification of spirit and truth need to be embraced. As a consistently functioning union of beings across the globe, and as part of the natural world once again, we will be able to make the most of these situations, helping one another and gaining the most wisdom from these lessons universally. The wrong thing to do is take it personally, or be selfish and think that the universe has ulterior, biased motives. Do not project, do not assume. Things happen. Things happen for reasons. Things happen to all beings. Seek the opportunities. Gain the wisdom.
It is false that “good things happen to bad people,” and that “bad things happen to good people,” in the sense that the universe has some ulterior motive. The truth is that things happen. Further, things happen to people. That is fact. Our interpretation is subjective, regarding whether these things that happen are good or bad. Good and bad, however, do not exist in the natural world. There are light and dark, positive and negative, productive and destructive; these things are natural and real. One extreme cannot exist without the other. However, good and bad are human perceptions based upon our beliefs and preferences, not based upon universal truth. One person’s good is another person’s bad. One man’s trash is another man’s treasure. Things just happen. Assigning personal projections to the universe is selfish and outright absurd, but people do it all the time, and it causes tons and tons of trouble.
Things happen because of direct influences. Things also happen because of indirect and even roundabout influences. This is what the Butterfly Effect is all about. Regardless, a direct action would be represented by dropping a ball into a bucket. An indirect action would be represented by a Rube Goldberg machine that drops the same ball into the same bucket, but only after the ball travels through an extensive network of physical mechanisms, such as levers and springs. Life is a mixture of both types of influences. The confusing part arises when we don’t see the direct connection between things we do and the outcome. Things that happen to us for seemingly no reason are effects of random influences that, once put into motion, must resolve somewhere in the world, or even out in the universe. Life is a series of chaotic and ordered events, one always feeding the other, always working together. Everything happens for a reason. That’s just the way it works, whether we can see the reasons or not, and whether we like the reasons or not. But this is the one side of the issue.
Things happen as the causes of events, yes, but from the other side, we could say that there are other, non-physical influences that cause things to happen in order for us to take advantage of opportunities. Most often, these opportunities are lessons we can utilize to acknowledge something we previously ignored or something we didn’t see at all. These are opportunities to confront something we need to learn so that we may gain wisdom. It is entirely possible that our actions, being based upon personal fears and insecurities, and whatnot, are influencing our surroundings. This is fair since we do as we believe; action follows thought. This is a form of self-fulfilling prophecy, as well. In this motion, there will be repercussions of our actions, whether our actions are conscious, subconscious, or unconscious is hardly relevant, as we are still driven by our beliefs, desires, fears, and emotions. Logically, the ramifications of our actions can create circumstances that affect us in a way that we must confront these shortcomings that drive the entire process in the first place. Further, other beings can, and often will, be affected by our actions. They may be affected because their own actions put them in that place for a reason, or because they were randomly affected by the course of chaos. However, just because something happens to someone for seemingly no reason at all, certainly does not mean that it actually had no reason. Sometimes, as beings that share a common existence on a common, planetary organism, things happen to us because we are integral elements for the process of someone else’s lesson to be accomplished. This is another reason that global unification of spirit and truth need to be embraced. As a consistently functioning union of beings across the globe, and as part of the natural world once again, we will be able to make the most of these situations, helping one another and gaining the most wisdom from these lessons universally. The wrong thing to do is take it personally, or be selfish and think that the universe has ulterior, biased motives. Do not project, do not assume. Things happen. Things happen for reasons. Things happen to all beings. Seek the opportunities. Gain the wisdom.
The Constitution vs. Reality, et al.
Several days ago I got a visit from a couple of nice young men who were on a “mission.” They were interested in offering any assistance that we may need at our household regarding any physically laborious tasks, which I found to be an awfully nice gesture. They also wanted to make sure that my family was aware that the aforementioned mission was to offer this kindness in the name of their belief system. This was not presented in a way that suggested that should we accept their offer of help with raking leaves, for example, we would become obligated to sign-up for attendance of their church services.
Although their presentation was nothing close to being pushy—as some door-to-door zealots might be considered—these poor gentlemen were obviously not aware that I have been teaching philosophy of Universal Truth for two and a half decades in this very region, and that as one of a handful of people in the modern world who have lived primitively in the wilderness for a year, I’ve been the subject of numerous articles on Tracking, martial arts, and wildlife. They did not know, as of our introduction, that I am one of the most outspoken advocates for nature and natural rights who has contributed oodles of editorials regarding nature, natural philosophy, and other topics for at least ten of that twenty-five year duration.
I don’t know how long the average visit and dissemination takes for the missionaries, but they were not leaving my door until nearly two hours after succumbing to their very own, private sermon from yours truly. As I said, to the apparently befuddled boys, “You’re not preaching to the choir; you’re preaching to the preacher.” And it turns out that within my lecture, speaking on behalf of nature, they were able to draw many similarities and recognitions to their own belief system.
Because nature is the common thread of all beings, it is easy to find parallels in all belief systems based upon this baseline of reality being truth. In other words, since nature is the only universal truth upon which no being can realistically disagree without being a walking contradiction, then it follows that there will be common core elements, even if fuzzy, between interpretations of that reality. Unfortunately, however, most, if not all, religions are moving drastically far away from the core truths and morphing into self-serving doctrine that humans utilize to mitigate fears and guilt, as well as to create subjective forms of ethics and justice. Ethics and justice, when based upon natural law, are universal. No one religion can corner the proverbial market on what is inherently fair or just for any being, culture, nation, or species. It has to work for all beings—and not strictly human beings—in order for it to be just.
The problem stems from a grave disconnection from the natural world. I’ve already written about and illustrated that “Sustainable Living,” which is supposedly the new fad available to make us feel “more connected” by “preserving natural resources” and getting the most out of them with the least waste. The idea that this form of sustainable living is further a form of “connection” is a farce. It is a wholly subjective, self-centered, idealistic concept of having one’s cake and eating it, too, which is little more than prolonged, environmental rape. (I’ve tried being nice and p.c. about these issues for around twenty of my twenty-five years, now, and nice and p.c. don’t really seem to get the message through. If it’s not in the form of an action movie or a rock-song, then society seems to overlook it because we have evolved into an infantile culture that embraces ignorance of things we do not wish to hear, no matter how true. We go through great lengths to avoid uncomfortable issues that are not directly facing us down in a tangible way. We lie to others and ourselves; we censor, delete, throw away, turn the channel or the page, and also turn deaf-ears to topics that disturb or challenge our beliefs and comforts. This is unhealthy for everyone.) So, yes; it is rape. It is what it is, whether you like it or not.
So I’m not going to re-write the volumes of information I’ve published at other times. I’m going to stick to the point of the thought that started this article: listening to “God.” (God is quoted because with so many religions come so many names, and “God” is the accepted, generic form.)
While speaking with these young men at my door--a relatively captive audience for not wanting to be rude by cutting me off and turning on their heels to bolt--one of them said that he knew that God spoke to him because he could feel the presence of a late family member in his life, and he knew that God was showing him that he was still loved and considered by this deceased person. He told me that he knew that God spoke to him regularly and that he knew how to listen because he could feel it in his heart. Here’s the thing, though: If we are to believe that God speaks to us based upon our emotions and suppositions, then that must imply that all belief systems are correct, because that’s simply how EVERYONE believes they hear the thoughts and beliefs, from their God, which drive them. That every religion is right, of course, is impossible, because any system of God’s truth, which is universal truth, must work for all beings, not for only humans, not for only one culture, not for only one person. We are all related, and we cannot have separate realities. We can interpret realities differently—which is what causes so much conflict and hatred in the first place—but that does not change reality.
Nature is real. Nature is the manifestation of God. Even if you don’t believe in a “God”, you have to know that you are created by and sustained by nature. It is a universal truth. Without nature, you do not exist. Therefore, the only truth that we can use as a baseline is reality, which is nature, which consists of mind, body, and spirit. All truths are derived from this reality. That means that subjective interpretations are not viable. If it doesn’t follow natural law, then it must be abandoned. Justice and ethics should be based upon natural law, not by biased, self-serving interpretations of natural laws. Now our laws and ethics are corrupt and selfish, catering to power, money, and emotion. In order to understand reality, one must be unbiased, which means being tempered, which means understanding the true place and purpose of self. This can only be accomplished by living in reality, in God’s world, directly connected with nature. It cannot be accomplished by living in an artificial world, because the artificial world disconnects us from our true place and purpose according to natural law. Again, I’ve already proven this in extensive writing that can be found elsewhere. Regardless, your job is to prove me right or prove me wrong. This isn’t my information. It’s not my “belief system.” It simply is truth. This comes from eons of wisdom gained by primitive cultures that lived by natural laws as everyday life. We have moved away from our natural place and purpose. When cells in a body do this, what do we call it? We are similar to cells in a body, as the Earth is our host, a holistic organism that sustains us, from which we breathe, feed, and exist.
Living in the natural world doesn’t mean camping out once in a while. It requires a commitment and an investment of time and energy into learning the skills that our ancestors utilized in order to live in a relative balance with their environment in order to survive, also in order to ensure the survival of their progeny for generations. It means having respect and reverence for life at all levels—much further than saying grace before supper and going to church--and it means not worshipping money or cheapening life by putting a financial value upon it. God cannot be heard in the fabricated world by anyone who contributes to the destruction of God’s creation by participating in a system of materialism, hungry for power and immortality. God doesn’t want us to live forever. God doesn’t want us to have money, fancy cars, big houses, televisions, cell phones, and property lines. That’s what WE want. God doesn’t actually advocate wiping out forests—even if we plant idealistic monocultures after eliminating pristine old-growth tracts—and God doesn’t really like us to dump oil, heavy metals, and other toxins into the waters, nor into the air. If you have been raised by any belief system that advocates these things, even indirectly (which most do), or if you’ve participated in any of these “self-help” courses that teach you how to assimilate to a sick society, then you might want to reconsider where it all pans out in the big picture. Natural law will always prevail over any manmade law, whether we survive it or not.
Although their presentation was nothing close to being pushy—as some door-to-door zealots might be considered—these poor gentlemen were obviously not aware that I have been teaching philosophy of Universal Truth for two and a half decades in this very region, and that as one of a handful of people in the modern world who have lived primitively in the wilderness for a year, I’ve been the subject of numerous articles on Tracking, martial arts, and wildlife. They did not know, as of our introduction, that I am one of the most outspoken advocates for nature and natural rights who has contributed oodles of editorials regarding nature, natural philosophy, and other topics for at least ten of that twenty-five year duration.
I don’t know how long the average visit and dissemination takes for the missionaries, but they were not leaving my door until nearly two hours after succumbing to their very own, private sermon from yours truly. As I said, to the apparently befuddled boys, “You’re not preaching to the choir; you’re preaching to the preacher.” And it turns out that within my lecture, speaking on behalf of nature, they were able to draw many similarities and recognitions to their own belief system.
Because nature is the common thread of all beings, it is easy to find parallels in all belief systems based upon this baseline of reality being truth. In other words, since nature is the only universal truth upon which no being can realistically disagree without being a walking contradiction, then it follows that there will be common core elements, even if fuzzy, between interpretations of that reality. Unfortunately, however, most, if not all, religions are moving drastically far away from the core truths and morphing into self-serving doctrine that humans utilize to mitigate fears and guilt, as well as to create subjective forms of ethics and justice. Ethics and justice, when based upon natural law, are universal. No one religion can corner the proverbial market on what is inherently fair or just for any being, culture, nation, or species. It has to work for all beings—and not strictly human beings—in order for it to be just.
The problem stems from a grave disconnection from the natural world. I’ve already written about and illustrated that “Sustainable Living,” which is supposedly the new fad available to make us feel “more connected” by “preserving natural resources” and getting the most out of them with the least waste. The idea that this form of sustainable living is further a form of “connection” is a farce. It is a wholly subjective, self-centered, idealistic concept of having one’s cake and eating it, too, which is little more than prolonged, environmental rape. (I’ve tried being nice and p.c. about these issues for around twenty of my twenty-five years, now, and nice and p.c. don’t really seem to get the message through. If it’s not in the form of an action movie or a rock-song, then society seems to overlook it because we have evolved into an infantile culture that embraces ignorance of things we do not wish to hear, no matter how true. We go through great lengths to avoid uncomfortable issues that are not directly facing us down in a tangible way. We lie to others and ourselves; we censor, delete, throw away, turn the channel or the page, and also turn deaf-ears to topics that disturb or challenge our beliefs and comforts. This is unhealthy for everyone.) So, yes; it is rape. It is what it is, whether you like it or not.
So I’m not going to re-write the volumes of information I’ve published at other times. I’m going to stick to the point of the thought that started this article: listening to “God.” (God is quoted because with so many religions come so many names, and “God” is the accepted, generic form.)
While speaking with these young men at my door--a relatively captive audience for not wanting to be rude by cutting me off and turning on their heels to bolt--one of them said that he knew that God spoke to him because he could feel the presence of a late family member in his life, and he knew that God was showing him that he was still loved and considered by this deceased person. He told me that he knew that God spoke to him regularly and that he knew how to listen because he could feel it in his heart. Here’s the thing, though: If we are to believe that God speaks to us based upon our emotions and suppositions, then that must imply that all belief systems are correct, because that’s simply how EVERYONE believes they hear the thoughts and beliefs, from their God, which drive them. That every religion is right, of course, is impossible, because any system of God’s truth, which is universal truth, must work for all beings, not for only humans, not for only one culture, not for only one person. We are all related, and we cannot have separate realities. We can interpret realities differently—which is what causes so much conflict and hatred in the first place—but that does not change reality.
Nature is real. Nature is the manifestation of God. Even if you don’t believe in a “God”, you have to know that you are created by and sustained by nature. It is a universal truth. Without nature, you do not exist. Therefore, the only truth that we can use as a baseline is reality, which is nature, which consists of mind, body, and spirit. All truths are derived from this reality. That means that subjective interpretations are not viable. If it doesn’t follow natural law, then it must be abandoned. Justice and ethics should be based upon natural law, not by biased, self-serving interpretations of natural laws. Now our laws and ethics are corrupt and selfish, catering to power, money, and emotion. In order to understand reality, one must be unbiased, which means being tempered, which means understanding the true place and purpose of self. This can only be accomplished by living in reality, in God’s world, directly connected with nature. It cannot be accomplished by living in an artificial world, because the artificial world disconnects us from our true place and purpose according to natural law. Again, I’ve already proven this in extensive writing that can be found elsewhere. Regardless, your job is to prove me right or prove me wrong. This isn’t my information. It’s not my “belief system.” It simply is truth. This comes from eons of wisdom gained by primitive cultures that lived by natural laws as everyday life. We have moved away from our natural place and purpose. When cells in a body do this, what do we call it? We are similar to cells in a body, as the Earth is our host, a holistic organism that sustains us, from which we breathe, feed, and exist.
Living in the natural world doesn’t mean camping out once in a while. It requires a commitment and an investment of time and energy into learning the skills that our ancestors utilized in order to live in a relative balance with their environment in order to survive, also in order to ensure the survival of their progeny for generations. It means having respect and reverence for life at all levels—much further than saying grace before supper and going to church--and it means not worshipping money or cheapening life by putting a financial value upon it. God cannot be heard in the fabricated world by anyone who contributes to the destruction of God’s creation by participating in a system of materialism, hungry for power and immortality. God doesn’t want us to live forever. God doesn’t want us to have money, fancy cars, big houses, televisions, cell phones, and property lines. That’s what WE want. God doesn’t actually advocate wiping out forests—even if we plant idealistic monocultures after eliminating pristine old-growth tracts—and God doesn’t really like us to dump oil, heavy metals, and other toxins into the waters, nor into the air. If you have been raised by any belief system that advocates these things, even indirectly (which most do), or if you’ve participated in any of these “self-help” courses that teach you how to assimilate to a sick society, then you might want to reconsider where it all pans out in the big picture. Natural law will always prevail over any manmade law, whether we survive it or not.
Listening to God
Several days ago I got a visit from a couple of nice young men who were on a “mission.” They were interested in offering any assistance that we may need at our household regarding any physically laborious tasks, which I found to be an awfully nice gesture. They also wanted to make sure that my family was aware that the aforementioned mission was to offer this kindness in the name of their belief system. This was not presented in a way that suggested that should we accept their offer of help with raking leaves, for example, we would become obligated to sign-up for attendance of their church services.
Although their presentation was nothing close to being pushy—as some door-to-door zealots might be considered—these poor gentlemen were obviously not aware that I have been teaching philosophy of Universal Truth for two and a half decades in this very region, and that as one of a handful of people in the modern world who have lived primitively in the wilderness for a year, I’ve been the subject of numerous articles on Tracking, martial arts, and wildlife. They did not know, as of our introduction, that I am one of the most outspoken advocates for nature and natural rights who has contributed oodles of editorials regarding nature, natural philosophy, and other topics for at least ten of that twenty-five year duration.
I don’t know how long the average visit and dissemination takes for the missionaries, but they were not leaving my door until nearly two hours after succumbing to their very own, private sermon from yours truly. As I said, to the apparently befuddled boys, “You’re not preaching to the choir; you’re preaching to the preacher.” And it turns out that within my lecture, speaking on behalf of nature, they were able to draw many similarities and recognitions to their own belief system.
Because nature is the common thread of all beings, it is easy to find parallels in all belief systems based upon this baseline of reality being truth. In other words, since nature is the only universal truth upon which no being can realistically disagree without being a walking contradiction, then it follows that there will be common core elements, even if fuzzy, between interpretations of that reality. Unfortunately, however, most, if not all, religions are moving drastically far away from the core truths and morphing into self-serving doctrine that humans utilize to mitigate fears and guilt, as well as to create subjective forms of ethics and justice. Ethics and justice, when based upon natural law, are universal. No one religion can corner the proverbial market on what is inherently fair or just for any being, culture, nation, or species. It has to work for all beings—and not strictly human beings—in order for it to be just.
The problem stems from a grave disconnection from the natural world. I’ve already written about and illustrated that “Sustainable Living,” which is supposedly the new fad available to make us feel “more connected” by “preserving natural resources” and getting the most out of them with the least waste. The idea that this form of sustainable living is further a form of “connection” is a farce. It is a wholly subjective, self-centered, idealistic concept of having one’s cake and eating it, too, which is little more than prolonged, environmental rape. (I’ve tried being nice and p.c. about these issues for around twenty of my twenty-five years, now, and nice and p.c. don’t really seem to get the message through. If it’s not in the form of an action movie or a rock-song, then society seems to overlook it because we have evolved into an infantile culture that embraces ignorance of things we do not wish to hear, no matter how true. We go through great lengths to avoid uncomfortable issues that are not directly facing us down in a tangible way. We lie to others and ourselves; we censor, delete, throw away, turn the channel or the page, and also turn deaf-ears to topics that disturb or challenge our beliefs and comforts. This is unhealthy for everyone.) So, yes; it is rape. It is what it is, whether you like it or not.
So I’m not going to re-write the volumes of information I’ve published at other times. I’m going to stick to the point of the thought that started this article: listening to “God.” (God is quoted because with so many religions come so many names, and “God” is the accepted, generic form.)
While speaking with these young men at my door--a relatively captive audience for not wanting to be rude by cutting me off and turning on their heels to bolt--one of them said that he knew that God spoke to him because he could feel the presence of a late family member in his life, and he knew that God was showing him that he was still loved and considered by this deceased person. He told me that he knew that God spoke to him regularly and that he knew how to listen because he could feel it in his heart. Here’s the thing, though: If we are to believe that God speaks to us based upon our emotions and suppositions, then that must imply that all belief systems are correct, because that’s simply how EVERYONE believes they hear the thoughts and beliefs, from their God, which drive them. That every religion is right, of course, is impossible, because any system of God’s truth, which is universal truth, must work for all beings, not for only humans, not for only one culture, not for only one person. We are all related, and we cannot have separate realities. We can interpret realities differently—which is what causes so much conflict and hatred in the first place—but that does not change reality.
Nature is real. Nature is the manifestation of God. Even if you don’t believe in a “God”, you have to know that you are created by and sustained by nature. It is a universal truth. Without nature, you do not exist. Therefore, the only truth that we can use as a baseline is reality, which is nature, which consists of mind, body, and spirit. All truths are derived from this reality. That means that subjective interpretations are not viable. If it doesn’t follow natural law, then it must be abandoned. Justice and ethics should be based upon natural law, not by biased, self-serving interpretations of natural laws. Now our laws and ethics are corrupt and selfish, catering to power, money, and emotion. In order to understand reality, one must be unbiased, which means being tempered, which means understanding the true place and purpose of self. This can only be accomplished by living in reality, in God’s world, directly connected with nature. It cannot be accomplished by living in an artificial world, because the artificial world disconnects us from our true place and purpose according to natural law. Again, I’ve already proven this in extensive writing that can be found elsewhere. Regardless, your job is to prove me right or prove me wrong. This isn’t my information. It’s not my “belief system.” It simply is truth. This comes from eons of wisdom gained by primitive cultures that lived by natural laws as everyday life. We have moved away from our natural place and purpose. When cells in a body do this, what do we call it? We are similar to cells in a body, as the Earth is our host, a holistic organism that sustains us, from which we breathe, feed, and exist.
Living in the natural world doesn’t mean camping out once in a while. It requires a commitment and an investment of time and energy into learning the skills that our ancestors utilized in order to live in a relative balance with their environment in order to survive, also in order to ensure the survival of their progeny for generations. It means having respect and reverence for life at all levels—much further than saying grace before supper and going to church--and it means not worshipping money or cheapening life by putting a financial value upon it. God cannot be heard in the fabricated world by anyone who contributes to the destruction of God’s creation by participating in a system of materialism, hungry for power and immortality. God doesn’t want us to live forever. God doesn’t want us to have money, fancy cars, big houses, televisions, cell phones, and property lines. That’s what WE want. God doesn’t actually advocate wiping out forests—even if we plant idealistic monocultures after eliminating pristine old-growth tracts—and God doesn’t really like us to dump oil, heavy metals, and other toxins into the waters, nor into the air. If you have been raised by any belief system that advocates these things, even indirectly (which most do), or if you’ve participated in any of these “self-help” courses that teach you how to assimilate to a sick society, then you might want to reconsider where it all pans out in the big picture. Natural law will always prevail over any manmade law, whether we survive it or not.
Although their presentation was nothing close to being pushy—as some door-to-door zealots might be considered—these poor gentlemen were obviously not aware that I have been teaching philosophy of Universal Truth for two and a half decades in this very region, and that as one of a handful of people in the modern world who have lived primitively in the wilderness for a year, I’ve been the subject of numerous articles on Tracking, martial arts, and wildlife. They did not know, as of our introduction, that I am one of the most outspoken advocates for nature and natural rights who has contributed oodles of editorials regarding nature, natural philosophy, and other topics for at least ten of that twenty-five year duration.
I don’t know how long the average visit and dissemination takes for the missionaries, but they were not leaving my door until nearly two hours after succumbing to their very own, private sermon from yours truly. As I said, to the apparently befuddled boys, “You’re not preaching to the choir; you’re preaching to the preacher.” And it turns out that within my lecture, speaking on behalf of nature, they were able to draw many similarities and recognitions to their own belief system.
Because nature is the common thread of all beings, it is easy to find parallels in all belief systems based upon this baseline of reality being truth. In other words, since nature is the only universal truth upon which no being can realistically disagree without being a walking contradiction, then it follows that there will be common core elements, even if fuzzy, between interpretations of that reality. Unfortunately, however, most, if not all, religions are moving drastically far away from the core truths and morphing into self-serving doctrine that humans utilize to mitigate fears and guilt, as well as to create subjective forms of ethics and justice. Ethics and justice, when based upon natural law, are universal. No one religion can corner the proverbial market on what is inherently fair or just for any being, culture, nation, or species. It has to work for all beings—and not strictly human beings—in order for it to be just.
The problem stems from a grave disconnection from the natural world. I’ve already written about and illustrated that “Sustainable Living,” which is supposedly the new fad available to make us feel “more connected” by “preserving natural resources” and getting the most out of them with the least waste. The idea that this form of sustainable living is further a form of “connection” is a farce. It is a wholly subjective, self-centered, idealistic concept of having one’s cake and eating it, too, which is little more than prolonged, environmental rape. (I’ve tried being nice and p.c. about these issues for around twenty of my twenty-five years, now, and nice and p.c. don’t really seem to get the message through. If it’s not in the form of an action movie or a rock-song, then society seems to overlook it because we have evolved into an infantile culture that embraces ignorance of things we do not wish to hear, no matter how true. We go through great lengths to avoid uncomfortable issues that are not directly facing us down in a tangible way. We lie to others and ourselves; we censor, delete, throw away, turn the channel or the page, and also turn deaf-ears to topics that disturb or challenge our beliefs and comforts. This is unhealthy for everyone.) So, yes; it is rape. It is what it is, whether you like it or not.
So I’m not going to re-write the volumes of information I’ve published at other times. I’m going to stick to the point of the thought that started this article: listening to “God.” (God is quoted because with so many religions come so many names, and “God” is the accepted, generic form.)
While speaking with these young men at my door--a relatively captive audience for not wanting to be rude by cutting me off and turning on their heels to bolt--one of them said that he knew that God spoke to him because he could feel the presence of a late family member in his life, and he knew that God was showing him that he was still loved and considered by this deceased person. He told me that he knew that God spoke to him regularly and that he knew how to listen because he could feel it in his heart. Here’s the thing, though: If we are to believe that God speaks to us based upon our emotions and suppositions, then that must imply that all belief systems are correct, because that’s simply how EVERYONE believes they hear the thoughts and beliefs, from their God, which drive them. That every religion is right, of course, is impossible, because any system of God’s truth, which is universal truth, must work for all beings, not for only humans, not for only one culture, not for only one person. We are all related, and we cannot have separate realities. We can interpret realities differently—which is what causes so much conflict and hatred in the first place—but that does not change reality.
Nature is real. Nature is the manifestation of God. Even if you don’t believe in a “God”, you have to know that you are created by and sustained by nature. It is a universal truth. Without nature, you do not exist. Therefore, the only truth that we can use as a baseline is reality, which is nature, which consists of mind, body, and spirit. All truths are derived from this reality. That means that subjective interpretations are not viable. If it doesn’t follow natural law, then it must be abandoned. Justice and ethics should be based upon natural law, not by biased, self-serving interpretations of natural laws. Now our laws and ethics are corrupt and selfish, catering to power, money, and emotion. In order to understand reality, one must be unbiased, which means being tempered, which means understanding the true place and purpose of self. This can only be accomplished by living in reality, in God’s world, directly connected with nature. It cannot be accomplished by living in an artificial world, because the artificial world disconnects us from our true place and purpose according to natural law. Again, I’ve already proven this in extensive writing that can be found elsewhere. Regardless, your job is to prove me right or prove me wrong. This isn’t my information. It’s not my “belief system.” It simply is truth. This comes from eons of wisdom gained by primitive cultures that lived by natural laws as everyday life. We have moved away from our natural place and purpose. When cells in a body do this, what do we call it? We are similar to cells in a body, as the Earth is our host, a holistic organism that sustains us, from which we breathe, feed, and exist.
Living in the natural world doesn’t mean camping out once in a while. It requires a commitment and an investment of time and energy into learning the skills that our ancestors utilized in order to live in a relative balance with their environment in order to survive, also in order to ensure the survival of their progeny for generations. It means having respect and reverence for life at all levels—much further than saying grace before supper and going to church--and it means not worshipping money or cheapening life by putting a financial value upon it. God cannot be heard in the fabricated world by anyone who contributes to the destruction of God’s creation by participating in a system of materialism, hungry for power and immortality. God doesn’t want us to live forever. God doesn’t want us to have money, fancy cars, big houses, televisions, cell phones, and property lines. That’s what WE want. God doesn’t actually advocate wiping out forests—even if we plant idealistic monocultures after eliminating pristine old-growth tracts—and God doesn’t really like us to dump oil, heavy metals, and other toxins into the waters, nor into the air. If you have been raised by any belief system that advocates these things, even indirectly (which most do), or if you’ve participated in any of these “self-help” courses that teach you how to assimilate to a sick society, then you might want to reconsider where it all pans out in the big picture. Natural law will always prevail over any manmade law, whether we survive it or not.
Most humans believe that although plants and insects and fish are alive, that they are devoid of souls, do not feel physical pain or emotion the way that we do, and are, therefore, inferior to us. A tree does not breathe the way that we do; it does not speak in our language; it does not eat in the same way that we do, so it must be a lesser being. It mustn't have a soul, and it doesn´t feel pain. It becomes expendable. We allow ourselves to believe that since this lifeform does not fall within the parameters of what religions teach us about souls, then we do not need to feel guilt, reverence, or remorse when killing these soul-less creatures.
I´m not even going to get into sentience right now, because sentience is obviously something we humans are not able to temper with reality and spirit. Sentience is what has gotten us into so much trouble, makes us arrogant killers, makes us greedy and depraved. Only creatures that do not possess our way of thinking have not strayed from their Original Instructions and become cancers upon nature. That´s us.
It was believed in primitive cultures, and has been taught for eons in Asian, Indian, and other "older" cultures, that breath is the key to spirit. It is through breathing that we establish a bridge to the spirit from our physical forms. Breath is the key to life, and it is the fuel of the blood and the energy that run though our bodies. Breath is healing, cleansing, and settling. It aids in bringing us to open states of awareness in order that we synchronize our senses and move beyond their physical restrictions to tap into the Whole. It has been said that in moving from the vastness of the Whole, that the breath of the body allows the spirit to inhabit the vessel.
The thing is, the shallow, conceited humans believe that breath must imply the very act of inhalation and exhalation that we perform involuntarily on a regular basis. Since many humans can barely see past the end of their nose, they assume that reality is whatever they project from their personal perspectives.
Breathing is accomplished in trees through leaves and roots. In fish, through gills. In insects, through knees. But it´s all breathing. It is all still a process of taking in gases via our prevailing atmosphere and replenishing our bodies so that we continue to function.
A fetus breathes. It does not breathe in the conventional way that we do postpartum, but oxygen is still taken in and carbon-dioxide still released within mom´s body, and with her assistance. But the fetus is still autonomous to the point that it still inspires and expires via the lungs. The fetus has a heartbeat, it has muscle function, and it can feel pain. If breath is the key to the soul, then a fetus has a soul. Someone moved into that vessel. It is the same for all other creatures on this planet, made by the Great Spirit.
Humans really need to get out of the box and start seeing the truth.
I´m not even going to get into sentience right now, because sentience is obviously something we humans are not able to temper with reality and spirit. Sentience is what has gotten us into so much trouble, makes us arrogant killers, makes us greedy and depraved. Only creatures that do not possess our way of thinking have not strayed from their Original Instructions and become cancers upon nature. That´s us.
It was believed in primitive cultures, and has been taught for eons in Asian, Indian, and other "older" cultures, that breath is the key to spirit. It is through breathing that we establish a bridge to the spirit from our physical forms. Breath is the key to life, and it is the fuel of the blood and the energy that run though our bodies. Breath is healing, cleansing, and settling. It aids in bringing us to open states of awareness in order that we synchronize our senses and move beyond their physical restrictions to tap into the Whole. It has been said that in moving from the vastness of the Whole, that the breath of the body allows the spirit to inhabit the vessel.
The thing is, the shallow, conceited humans believe that breath must imply the very act of inhalation and exhalation that we perform involuntarily on a regular basis. Since many humans can barely see past the end of their nose, they assume that reality is whatever they project from their personal perspectives.
Breathing is accomplished in trees through leaves and roots. In fish, through gills. In insects, through knees. But it´s all breathing. It is all still a process of taking in gases via our prevailing atmosphere and replenishing our bodies so that we continue to function.
A fetus breathes. It does not breathe in the conventional way that we do postpartum, but oxygen is still taken in and carbon-dioxide still released within mom´s body, and with her assistance. But the fetus is still autonomous to the point that it still inspires and expires via the lungs. The fetus has a heartbeat, it has muscle function, and it can feel pain. If breath is the key to the soul, then a fetus has a soul. Someone moved into that vessel. It is the same for all other creatures on this planet, made by the Great Spirit.
Humans really need to get out of the box and start seeing the truth.
Masculine and Feminine Energies (stream of thought)
In the natural world the feminine is the life-bringer--not the life-maker, as that is the duty of the Great Spirit. The female gives form to life, gives it a place to "cook" with the ingredients supplied by the male. But it would make more sense, especially following the feminine role of Earth as the life-bearing, life-sustaining "mother", that the female of the species, at the very beginning, would have been created before the male. It's as if the female was meant to be the foundation, the perpetuator of life, while the male was almost an afterthought, little more than a necessary tool in order to facilitate the female's accomplishing her purpose.
The male is the protector. The role of the male is to defend the female, protect the life-bearer, preserve her safety and place, and to fight for position against other males in order to perpetuate the strongest bloodline. The male supplies the necessary ingredients, but then his role is to stand guard while the female builds his children.
I don't see how a male can rule a female. It is absurd. She is possessed as long as she wishes to be possessed by him, and he is possessed by her as long as he wishes to be possessed, but neither rules the other. They are equals with different, vital roles. The average human male thinks about or imagines erotic situations or sensations frequently (some say every six seconds, but that does not account for the duration of the actual thought, fantasy, or sensation that falls around the six-second intermissions). Men are motivated, primarily, by their genitals. Seriously. Our testosterone is created there, and we are hormonally driven to do "manly" things by that influence. We are driven to be combative, to establish territory, dominance, and to even to gather food. But we are wholly broad-sided by the female. The female is our goal, our ambition. The female makes us lose mental function, to sweat, drool, palpitate, and to follow the unyielding, otherwise insatiable drive of our genitals. In the natural world, the woman has unbelievable power. In the natural world, the man has extraordinary strength and senses, but he is no match for his own hormones when a woman catches his fancy. Men are suckers for girls.
It makes sense that the Earth is a feminine entity as a mother, as a provider of comfort and sustenance to all of the children. Women have a crucial role that is unlike anything a man can do. The role of the female is to bring forth life. What does it say about a society, in which females are pushed and nurtured into taking over otherwise masculine roles? How can a society ruled by left-brained testosterone expect to be anything but violent, destructive, and wholly unproductive? When females forfeit their natural roles to be life-bearers, then how can it not be obvious that we are very very wrong?
The male is the protector. The role of the male is to defend the female, protect the life-bearer, preserve her safety and place, and to fight for position against other males in order to perpetuate the strongest bloodline. The male supplies the necessary ingredients, but then his role is to stand guard while the female builds his children.
I don't see how a male can rule a female. It is absurd. She is possessed as long as she wishes to be possessed by him, and he is possessed by her as long as he wishes to be possessed, but neither rules the other. They are equals with different, vital roles. The average human male thinks about or imagines erotic situations or sensations frequently (some say every six seconds, but that does not account for the duration of the actual thought, fantasy, or sensation that falls around the six-second intermissions). Men are motivated, primarily, by their genitals. Seriously. Our testosterone is created there, and we are hormonally driven to do "manly" things by that influence. We are driven to be combative, to establish territory, dominance, and to even to gather food. But we are wholly broad-sided by the female. The female is our goal, our ambition. The female makes us lose mental function, to sweat, drool, palpitate, and to follow the unyielding, otherwise insatiable drive of our genitals. In the natural world, the woman has unbelievable power. In the natural world, the man has extraordinary strength and senses, but he is no match for his own hormones when a woman catches his fancy. Men are suckers for girls.
It makes sense that the Earth is a feminine entity as a mother, as a provider of comfort and sustenance to all of the children. Women have a crucial role that is unlike anything a man can do. The role of the female is to bring forth life. What does it say about a society, in which females are pushed and nurtured into taking over otherwise masculine roles? How can a society ruled by left-brained testosterone expect to be anything but violent, destructive, and wholly unproductive? When females forfeit their natural roles to be life-bearers, then how can it not be obvious that we are very very wrong?
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